One idea these scientists discussed was an alluring hypothesis
that lacked experimental proof. In 1911 Antonius J. van den Broek,
a Dutch lawyer who closely followed developments in recent phys-
ics, made a simple yet profound conceptual leap. Scientists had
been ordering the elements in the periodic table according to their
atomic weights. Isotopes were a problem for this system, since iso-
topes of a single element had di erent atomic weights. Van den
Broek perceived that it might be useful to characterize the ele-
ments by their positions in a sequence, instead of by their atomic
weights. e number sequence would begin with the rst element,
hydrogen, and end with the ninety-second element, uranium.
e next year van den Broek proposed that these numbers rep-
resented each element’s nuclear charge. Hydrogen would have a
charge of 1, uranium 92, and so forth. Rather than atomic weight,
these integers would determine the elements’ chemical properties.
ey became known as atomic numbers.
Without experiments to support it, van den Broek’s idea was
just an interesting speculation. Evidence came from x rays emi ed
from metals bombarded by high speed cathode rays. Around 1906
George Barkla, a former student of J. J. omson, reported that
elements he had bombarded produced pa erns of x rays speci c to
each element. ese so-called characteristic x rays seemed to come
from deep within the atom.
In 1912, a er years of controversy, experiments nally showed
that x rays were a type of electromagnetic radiation similar to light.
e next year William H. Bragg and his son William Lawrence
Bragg, working at the University of Leeds in the north of England,
discovered a way to determine the wavelengths (and frequen-
cies) of x rays. Moseley and Darwin eagerly began experiments
with x rays at Cambridge. A er they nished a paper together,
Moseley decided to use the Braggs’ method to test van den Broek’s