Radioactivity entered history at the onset of major transitions
in science, and itself propelled these changes. e eld’s brief tra-
jectory, spanning three decades, contrasts starkly with the interest
it generated and the far-reaching results it produced. e story of
radioactivity provides a window into the era’s science and its cul-
tural matrix. It illuminates the scienti c process and the ongoing
human quest for understanding.
Radioactivity has the dual a ractions of a fascinating his-
tory and dramatic consequences for humanity. e atomic bomb,
nuclear power, and changing relations of science to government
and the military are obvious results. ough important in their
own right, to concentrate on these outcomes would risk distorting
the history of radioactivity by viewing the past through the eyes
of the present. e radioactivity researchers worked in a very dif-
ferent environment from scientists several decades later. To them
radioactivity was an enigma, a discovery with many possibilities for
investigation, rather than a prelude to unknowable future develop-
ments. is work presents radioactivity’s history as it unfolded at
the time, a unique, exciting, and instructive story with a particular
historical context.
From its modest beginnings as a minor phenomenon, radio-
activity quickly developed into a major research eld. Mysterious
from the start, the new science was an intractable riddle until it
was absorbed into emerging areas of physics. I have focused on
this key feature of radioactivity, portraying the allure, challenge,
and excitement of a totally unanticipated and mysterious phenom-
enon and the e orts of scientists to comprehend it.
e book’s rst section seeks to capture the puzzlement and
suspense for radioactivity’s pioneers by leading the reader through
the twists and turns, surprises and dead ends which research-
ers experienced as they pursued their goal of understanding