Hours turned into days, then weeks, then months; yet, even
a er more than a year, uranium’s power had hardly abated.
Apparently, light was not required for the invisible rays to
emerge. What the rays did seem to need was uranium. Everything
Becquerel tested which contained this element darkened a photo-
graphic plate covered with black paper, while (with a few excep-
tions, later shown to be caused by experimental errors) other
minerals did not. Even uranium minerals that were not phospho-
rescent imprinted images through the paper. If phosphorescence
was producing the uranium rays, it would have to be a very di er-
ent sort from the phosphorescence Becquerel and his father had
Still, Becquerel held to his phosphorescence hypothesis. He
tried unsuccessfully to destroy uranium’s activity by dissolving
and recrystallizing a uranium salt in darkness, a procedure known
to destroy phosphorescence in other materials. Nothing he did
stopped uranium from sending out invisible rays. When he found
that uranium metal produced even stronger e ects than uranium
compounds, Becquerel did not change his views, even though met-
als were not supposed to be able to uoresce. Instead, he concluded
that uranium was an exception to this rule. e invisible rays, he
decided, must come from the element uranium. In hindsight, this
was a very important deduction, but Becquerel a ached no special
signi cance to it.
Testing to compare his newly discovered rays to other radia-
tions, Becquerel found that uranium’s rays electri ed air and
passed through cardboard, aluminum, copper, and platinum.
Ultraviolet light, cathode rays, and x rays could all make air con-
duct electricity. In contrast, only x rays readily penetrated opaque
is ability suggested that uranium’s rays were a type
of x ray. Still, Becquerel believed that phosphorescence caused