periodic table, 4, 102
and atomic number, 112, 117–19
and displacement laws, 105–8
and isotopes, 100–101, 103–5
and Mendeleyev, 7, 100
missing places in, 100
and the nucleus, 116–19
petroleum, 154, 174–75
Philosophers’ stone, 210
as cause of radioactivity, 15, 38, 58,
193, 196
as created by light absorption, 12, 47, 58
de ned, 12
as a model, 193–94, 196
phosphorescent minerals, 14
phosphorescent paint, 168–71
phosphorescent screen, 89, 114, 168
phosphors, 168–69
See also Sidot’s blende, zinc sul de,
barium platinum cyanide
phosphorus light, 8
photoelectric e ect, 66, 84, 113, 120, 122
photoelectric instruments and devices,
120, 140
physical chemistry, 65, 94, 163
Physical Technical Institute, Berlin, 120
from Austria, 31–32, 162–63
as Austria’s treasure, 165
from Belgian Congo, 167–68
from Canada, 167
other sources of, 164
new elements in, 26–31, 49
See also St. Joachimsthal
plentitude, symbols of, 211
dangers of, 156, 157, 158, 159
discovery of, 27, 96, 197
marketing of, 161, 162
naming of, 27, 188
research on, in Curie Laboratory, 72, 159
temporary activity of, 47, 58
Positivism, 19, 60, 61, 130, 210, 213
positivist ideas, philosophers, 61, 181, 182
positron, 130
Potassium, radioactivity of, 83
Prague, as research center, 109, 185
Primary radiation, 37–38, 122, 137
probability theory, 84, 86–88, 129, 130–31
See also randomness
proclamation by ninety-three German
academics, 189, 191
protactinium, 197
pulse (electromagnetic), 120
quantum, 91, 118, 205, 206
quartz piezoelectroscope, 24–25, 26
Radiation, 8
See also speci c types
radiation drain, 85–86, 194, 204
Radiation poisoning, 169, 170–71
radioactive dating, 81–82, 126
radioactive fallout, 173
and age of earth, 79–80
arti cial, 130
cause of, 38–40, 45, 46, 84–85, 195
completion of, 127
demise as a separate eld, 79, 128–31,
145, 206
energy source of, 38, 67, 69
in the environment, 77–78
as eld of study, 33, 64–65, 93, 180, 183,
186, 187
image of, 171–72, 213
methods used to investigate, 135–137
randomness of, 88–90, 127, 195, 204, 207
safety precautions for, 157, 160
source of, 84, 91, 122, 195
term coined, 25
as unchanging, 82, 85, 86, 119, 195
See also speci c elements, rays, and
as a eld, 93–95, 106, 107, 108
rst positions in, 94
as replaced by nuclear chemistry, 130
radiochemists (as a group), 94, 105
arti cial transmutation of, 128
completion of overall scheme for, 127
de nition of, 95