supportive venue at the Vienna Radium Institute. is happy situ-
ation ended a er the Nazis annexed Austria in 1938. All Austrians
automatically became subject to Germany’s nefarious racial laws.
Meyer, who was partly Jewish in ancestry, forestalled his inevita-
ble expulsion by resigning. Others who were endangered or who
refused to cooperate with the Nazis resigned or were dismissed.
Women who remained had to deal with a regime that was phil-
osophically opposed to their presence; the Nazis did not favor
women working outside of the home. Meyer’s student Bertha
Karlik nevertheless took over his administrative work, and was
named director a er the war’s end in 1945.
Women worked with other mentors, including Soddy in Glas-
gow and Oxford; J. J. omson in Cambridge; Willy Marckwald,
O o Hahn, and Lise Meitner in Berlin; O o Hönigschmid in
Vienna and Prague; Georg von Hevesy in Copenhagen; and
Kasimir Fajans in Karlsruhe. e independent, iconoclastic Soddy
did not have many students; but he believed in equality for women.
Soddy coauthored research papers with several women, including
his wife Winifred, who was active in the su rage e movement.
One would expect Marie Curie, who had struggled to make
her place in an overwhelmingly male profession, to accept women
into her laboratory. For Rutherford and Meyer, a healthy self-
con dence insulated them from feeling threatened by competent
female colleagues. In general, the newness of radioactivity bu -
ered some of the prejudices common in academia. Rather than
being con ned by tradition, in this new eld the leaders were cre-
ating the traditions.
ough she was well-known by the general public, Marie Curie
was not the only important female role model in radioactivity.
Austrian physicist Lise Meitner was exactly eleven years Curie’s
junior. She began work on beta rays in Berlin immediately a er