progressed so quickly without social and nancial support. ese
factors do not seem to have a ected the content of theories of radio-
activity, which grew out of the era’s scienti c ideas and practices.
ose ideas and practices produced an interesting pa ern as
radioactivity developed. e new science tallied an unusual num-
ber of simultaneous discoveries and near misses, o en result-
ing in priority disputes and hard feelings. Silvanus P. ompson
and Henri Becquerel both discovered uranium’s invisible rays.
Friedrich Giesel, Stefan Meyer and Egon von Schweidler, and
Becquerel showed that beta rays changed course in a magnetic
eld. Giesel discovered radium and actinium, but Marie Curie and
André Debierne got to the nish line rst. Both Gerhard Schmidt
and Marie Curie detected thorium’s radioactivity. Willy Marckwald
found the substance that Marie Curie named polonium, while
Julius Elster and Hans Geitel, Giesel, and Karl Andreas Hofmann
and Eduard Strauss unearthed radiolead. Elster and Geitel, O o
Hahn, and Gian A. Blanc discovered radiothorium.
e teams Rutherford-Soddy and Curie-Debierne reported
similar ndings when they investigated emanations and decay
products. Bertram B. Boltwood, Hahn, and Marckwald all discov-
ered ionium. Strömholm, Svedberg, and Soddy recognized iso-
topy, and Soddy, Fajans, Alexander Russell, and Georg von Hevesy
put together the relations between the type of ray emi ed and the
chemical nature of the resulting product.
In 1914 O o Hönigschmid and Stephanie Horowitz, eodore
W. Richards and Max Lembert, and Maurice Curie showed that
uranium produced an isotope of lead, con rming important pre-
dictions of the transmutation theory. During the war, Lise Meitner
and Hahn tracked down actinium’s parent, protactinium, shortly
before Soddy and John Cranston reported similar results. More
examples could be listed.