an ancient view that the ultimate reality is change. As the Greek
philosopher Heraclitus observed, we never step into the same river
twice. Ideas which place change above permanence in the order of
things have traditionally been classed as romantic, whether in sci-
ence, politics, or the arts and humanities.
Radioactivity encompassed extremes of time and extension
both remote and mysterious. Some radioelements decayed over
eons, while others would disappear before one could blink. eir
rays were invisible and contained particles smaller than atoms, yet
the energies involved could be gigantic. Radioactivity’s energy
output was prodigious, and like the magical mill that ground salt,
the cornucopia, and other symbols of plentitude, it appeared to
have no end. Radioactivity’s secrets also seemed limitless. Just
when experimenters thought they understood something about it,
new and equally mysterious behaviors would appear.
Radioactivity excited a deep chord within people, resonating
with mythological themes like the hero’s quest and the magic elixir,
source of eternal life. Medical researchers sought healing and long
life from radium, unwi ingly evoking the holy wells, fountain of
youth, and miraculous potions of myth and legend. e excesses
of entertainers, pundits, and hucksters came from their intui-
tive appreciation of the subject’s mythological, romantic aura.
“Providence gave to the hungry, manna; and for the thirsty the rod
was rent, and life was saved;” gushed an advertising brochure for
the Nowata Radium Sanitarium Company, a radium water estab-
lishment in Indian Territor y (later Ok lahoma). e hyperbole con-
tinued: “and in no less miraculous manner the dying multitudes of
earth are welcomed to Nowata—the Mecca of DeLeon [Spanish
explorer who searched for the fountain of youth].”
ese entre-
preneurs o ered not mere humble cures, but the elixir of life itself.
Figure 14-1 depicts another advertisement for that enterprise.