A theory developed in the 1920s called wave mechanics showed that, although
high energy alpha particles are most likely to be able to escape a nucleus, even
low energy particles can do so. Whether or not a particular particle escapes is a
ma er of probability, and the probability for escaping never goes to zero. ese
probabilities, calculated by using wave mechanics, determine how long it takes,
on average, for atoms of a particular radioelement to decay. Some radioelements
have average lives of less than a second, while others have lifetimes of millions or
even billions of years.
In the 1930s physicists learned that neutrons themselves can disintegrate.
is process produces beta particles. e force involved in beta particle emission
was later named the weak force, in contrast to the strong force that holds nuclei
together. In beta decay a neutron transmutes into a proton, an electron (beta
particle), and an uncharged, nearly massless particle called an anti-neutrino.
Beta particle decay is also governed by laws of probability. A er a beta particle is
ejected, a new nucleus is formed, which may emit gamma rays.
During the rst years of radioactivity scientists believed that deterministic,
mechanical causes lay underneath the probabilistic equations that described
radioactivity. ey reasoned that although probability theory could describe
radioactivity, these abstract equations did not explain it. Radioactivity’s leaders
assumed that a mechanical cause or causes for radioactivity might be found in
the future.
A er quantum mechanics was developed and interpreted in terms of proba-
bilities, many scientists decided that the probabilistic equations were themselves
the explanation of radioactivity. ere was no deeper cause for the exploding
atoms. At the subatomic level, Nature was governed by Chance.