state that the total mass in the universe and the total energy in the
universe do not change. e conservation laws assume that the
universe does not change fundamentally, but only undergoes tem-
porary alterations and conversions.
ermodynamics confounded this tidy arrangement by
revealing a universal process which could not be undone. Energy
is constantly being converted into heat. No ma er how carefully
a device or process is designed, it will always produce some heat
that cannot be changed back into more useful forms of energy, like
the energy to drive a machine or to power a generator. Since this
change is permanent, some energy will always be wasted.
Scientists and engineers were vividly aware of the limitation
that thermodynamics imposed on their creations. Industrialists
valiantly tried to increase the e ciency of the era’s technologi-
cal marvels: the great electrical generators, lighting systems, and
factory machinery. ese devices were not e cient, and gains
achieved were very modest. According to thermodynamics, there
was no hope of completely overcoming this problem. All forms of
energy will eventually devolve into heat.
Other important discoveries in the nineteenth century sup-
ported the idea that change was fundamental to the world.
Geolog ists found evidence of cha nge in rocks, fossils, and the layers
in the earth’s surface. Anthropologists and archaeologists uncov-
ered ancient civilizations, technologies, and peoples di erent from
themselves. Linguists and philologists analyzed languages to nd
how they were related to one another and had changed over time.
In the study of living things, the realization that organisms
change over time became a major organizing principle. Best
known as the theory of evolution proposed by the English natural-
ist Charles Darwin, this principle resonated with ndings in many
other elds. Scientists proposed theories of the evolution of the