Crookes, Sir William
on alpha rays, 55
and cathode ray research, 9–10, 11
and discovery of scintillations, 168
and energy source for radioactivity, 38
as founder of Chemical News, 9, 54
and isotopy, 101
and separation of uranium X, 49, 52, 137
and spinthariscope, 140
Crowther, James A., 114–15
Curie, Eugène, 22
Curie, Eve, 157
Curie, Irène, 71, 184
birth and death of, 22, 158
and discovery of arti cial radioactivity, 130
Nobel Prize awarded to, 184
during World War I, 125, 241n.6
Curie, Jacques, 18, 24
Curie, Marie
appointed to Sorbonne, 70, 181
and atomic weight of radium, 31–33, 65
chemical expertise of, 70, 93
death of, 158
as director of Polish Radium Institute, 165
and discovery of polonium, 27–28, 77,
188, 197
and discovery of radium, 27–28, 77, 197
dissertation research of, 22–28, 31–33, 34
electrical methods used by, 24, 26,
health e ects of radiation on, 156–58, 159
and ideals and value of science, 179, 182
as laboratory director, 99, 165–66, 181,
183, 185, 188
and magnetic researches on steel, 21
as mentor, role model, 183, 184, 185
myths associated with, 209–11
on nature of alpha and beta rays, 41, 55
Nobel Prize awarded to, 33, 71
and polonium research, 72, 159,
236n.7 (Ch. 2)
and postwar a itudes towards
Germans, 190
and quantum theory, 206
and radium standard, 70–71, 138–39
reactions to Pierre Curie’s death, 70–71
romantic aspects of, 209–10
on Rutherford, 124
and safety precautions, 156–57, 158, 160
on skepticism towards radioactivity, 65
as supplier of radium, 43, 44, 72, 161
term radioactive introduced by, 25
and theories of radioactivity, 26, 38, 40,
46, 61, 90–92
and thorium’s radioactivity, 24–25, 197
on value of science, 179
and women researchers, 183, 184, 185
during World War I, 125, 126, 166, 188,
See also Curie, Pierre; Skłodowska, Maria;
polonium, radium
Curie, Maurice, 109, 197
Curie, Pierre
background of, 21
Becquerel rays named by, 25
on charge of alpha particle, 55
and controversy with Rutherford and
Soddy, 57–64, 184, 197
death of, 70, 181, 184
and de ection of beta rays, 44
and heat evolved by radium, 62, 67, 80
and laboratory resources, 144, 165
Nobel Prize awarded to, 33
and philosophy of science, 59–62, 64,
180, 195
and quartz piezoelectroscope,
24–25, 136
and radiation burns, 147
and radioactivity of springs, 153
on value of science, 18, 68, 213
See also Curie, Marie; Skłodowska, Maria
Danne, Jacques, 62, 64
Danysz, Jan, 126, 165
Darwin, Charles, 4, 80, 116
Darwin, Charles G., 116, 117
Debierne, André-Louis
on alpha rays, 55
death of, 158
and discovery of actinium, 49, 197
education of, 49, 93, 237n.13
and industrial processing, 161, 163
in Marie Curie’s laboratory, 181, 184
nuclear model of, 123