12. Friedrich Giesel to the Curies, 12 January 1900, Archives Institut du Radium—
fonds Marie Curie, Musée Curie, Institut Curie; Friedrich Giesel to Carl Runge,
25 November 1899, Deutsches Museum Archiv HS 1948–52, Munich.
13. Debierne later earned a doctorate in physics.
14. Pierre and Marie Curie, “Sur les corps radio-actifs,” Comptes Rendus 134
(13 January 1902): 85–87.
15. Pierre Curie, “Sur la radioactivité induite et sur l’émanation du radium,”
Comptes Rendus 136 (26 January 1903): 223–26, on 226; Pierre Curie,
“Sur la constante de temps caractéristique de la disparition de la radioac-
tivité induite par le radium dans une enceinte fermée, “ Comptes Rendus 135
(17 November 1902): 857–59, on 859.
16. Paul Langevin, “Pierre Curie,” Revue du Mois 2 (July-December 1906): 5–36,
on 27.
17. Pierre Duhem, e Aim and Structure of Physical eory, trans. Philip P.
Wiener (New York: Atheneum, 1962), 70–71.
18. Henry G. J. Moseley to E. Rutherford, 5 June [1914], and Ernest Rutherford
to W. H. Bragg, 20 December 1911, cited in Arthur S. Eve, Rutherford (New
York: Macmillan, 1939), 237 and 208.
19. Pierre Curie, “Recherches récentes sur la radioactivité,” Journal de chimie
physique 1 (1903): 409–49, on 446–47.
20. Notes on radioactivity for his course at the Sorbonne, 1904–05 and 1905–06,
Archives Pierre et Marie Curie, Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
21. Frederick Soddy to Ernest Rutherford, 19 February 1903, Rutherford Papers,
le er S93; Clemens Winkler, “Radio-activity and Ma er,” Chemical News
89 (17 June 1904): 289–91, on 290; Joseph Larmor to Ernest Rutherford,
3 October 1903, Rutherford Papers, le er L22. Le ers courtesy of the
Syndics of Cambridge University Library.
22. Meaning a dreamlike succession of complex shi ing images or an optical
projector arranged to produce this e ect. Marie Curie, “Les radio-éléments
et leur classi cation,” Revue du Mois 18 (10 July 1914), 5–41, in Oeuvres de
Marie Skłodowska Curie (Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences, 1954),
472–93, on 472–73.
23. Arthur Smithells, Presidential Address to Section B, Reports of the British
Association for the Advancement of Science 77 (August 1907): 469–79, on 477;
Muriel Howarth, Atomic Transmutation (London: New World Publications,
1953), 86–87.
24. Willy Marckwald, “Die Radioaktivität,” Deutsche Chemische Gesellscha :
Berichte 41:2 (1908): 1524–61, on 1536.
25. Eve, Rutherford, 374.
26. Pierre Curie, “Radioactive Substances, Especially Radium,” Nobel Lectures.
Physics, 1901–1921, 73–78, on 78.
27. Frederick Soddy, e Interpretation of Radium, 1908, cited in Howarth,
Pioneer Research on the Atom, 122.