New Zealand’s Canterbury College, had le home with a schol-
arship to study with Joseph John (J. J.) omson, director of
Cambridge’s famed Cavendish Laboratory. omson, the English-
speaking world’s leading researcher on electricity, specialized in
ionization (a process that creates electri ed particles) and conduc-
tion in gases.
e son of a farmer and a teacher, Rutherford had became
interested in physics and carried out researches as a student in
New Zealand. His mother provided special encouragement, and
he faithfully corresponded with her throughout his career. In
omson’s laboratory Rutherford continued his work on mag-
netism and high frequency electric waves (later known as radio
en Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered x rays. e allure
of these mysterious radiations changed Rutherford’s career path
forever. Caught up in the general excitement, Rutherford joined
omson in investigating the electrical conduction which these
rays produced in gases and became quite adept in ionization stud-
ies. Rutherford’s work impressed his mentor and caught the a en-
tion of the wider scienti c community. In 1898 he received an o er
from McGill University in Montreal (Figure 3-1).
ough Rutherford would have preferred to remain in England
at the center of British scienti c activity, he was a racted by
McGill’s state-of-the-art physics laboratory. ese ne facilities
had been donated by Sir William MacDonald, an antismoker
who, ironically, had made a fortune with tobacco. Rutherford
(who happened to be a heavy smoker) accepted McGill’s o er,
and a er he had se led in to his new surroundings, he began tests
with Becquerel rays from uranium. He wanted to nd out whether
Becquerel rays were, as many suspected, a type of x radiation.