Meyer and Schweidler were able to de ect Becquerel rays. is
result meant these rays were charged particles. From the direction
of de ection they realized the particles were negatively charged.
Meanwhile in Paris, at the Museum of Natural History, the
discoveries of radium and polonium had revived Becquerel’s
interest in radioactivity. Becquerel obtained samples from the
Curies. A er nding that radium’s rays behaved like x rays inso-
far as re ection, refraction, and polarization were concerned, he
compared the luminescence that Becquerel and x rays produced
on phosphorescent minerals from the museum’s collection. e
results were ambiguous. Sometimes the e ects were quite di er-
ent, which could mean that the Becquerel rays were electromag-
netic radiations of di erent wavelengths from the x rays. On the
other hand, some minerals reacted to radium’s rays very much as
they had to cathode rays in earlier studies by his father, which sug-
gested that Becquerel rays could be material particles.
To see whether x rays or cathode rays were the be er match for
Becquerel rays, Becquerel tested rays from both radium and polo-
nium with an electromagnet. He then published the third paper in
less than six weeks announcing that a magnet de ected the rays.
e Becquerel rays were material, like cathode rays!
But not entirely. Only the more penetrating (beta) rays were
de ected, according to Pierre Curie’s report early in 1900. e
rest of the Becquerel rays seemed to resemble x rays. e other
researchers had not distinguished the alpha and beta rays in their
experiments with magnets. ese rays can be separated by insert-
ing paper or cardboard in the rays’ path, which will absorb the
alphas but allow the betas to pass through.
Since electric forces also can de ect moving charged particles
from their paths, Friedrich Ernst Dorn at Germany’s University of
Halle applied an electric force to radium’s beta rays. e electric