Rutherford had been trying to measure. To magnify this current,
Rutherford and Geiger used a principle discovered at Cambridge
by Rutherford’s friend John S. Townsend. Townsend realized that
an electrical voltage properly applied would accelerate the elec-
trons released by ionization so that they would collide with other
atoms and dislodge more electrons. Eventually a cascade of elec-
trons would reach the measuring device and cause its needle to
move, so that the experimenter could record the current.
Rutherford and Geiger started with a design for an instrument
later known as an ionization chamber, developed by Townsend’s
associate P. J. Kirkby. e chamber was a brass cylinder with a win-
dow to admit alpha particles. A wire passing through the cylinder’s
center would collect the electrons dislodged when an alpha par-
ticle passed through the chamber and conduct them to a record-
ing device. e chamber was designed so that each alpha particle
would produce a separate burst of electrons, making it possible to
count individual alpha particles by counting the number of times
the measuring device recorded an electron burst.
e idea was simple, but the details were challenging. Geiger
had to adjust the gas pressure and the voltage in the counter and
arrange the apparatus so that each alpha particle ionized exactly
one molecule. e ejected electrons would need to move through
the apparatus so they could be recorded, and the electrometer nee-
dle had to reset itself quickly a er each surge of electricity to be
ready for the next. If sparks developed, the experiment would be
ruined. Since sparks ionize air and allow electricity to be trans-
ferred more readily than before sparking, any measurements
would be worthless. Sparks would also interfere with rese ing the
electrometer between measurements.
A er many trials, Geiger succeeded. He was able to determine
the number of alpha particles the radium sample sent out per sec-
ond. Geiger and Rutherford then computed the charge each alpha