Di erent metals will deposit on an electrode at di erent rates,
depending upon which metal is used for the electrode. Results of
such electrochemical experiments had given chemists a tool for
analyzing unknown substances that could work for radioactive
materials. By observing how readily a radioactive decay product
would deposit onto di erent metals, chemists could nd out which
element the radioactive substance most closely resembled. Pioneers
of electrochemical methods included Ernst Dorn, Marckwald,
Friedrich Giesel, the Hungarian-born chemist Friedrich von
Lerch, and George B. Pegram, a physicist at Columbia University.
Another method to disentangle a mixture of radioactive ele-
ments required separating the parent of the product most di cult
to separate. As the parent element decayed, it would produce the
desired element. Experimenters could also separate radioelements
by heating the mixture, since the components would evaporate
and condense at di erent temperatures.
One separation method used a principle of physics called the con-
servation of momentum. When an atom sends out an alpha or a beta
particle, the atom will recoil, or kick back, with an equal and opposite
momentum. J. J. omson predicted this process in 1901, but it was
not observed until 1904, when Rutherford’s student Harriet Brooks
experimented with a wire exposed to radium emanation (radon). For
many years, no one exploited recoil’s potential as an analytical tool.
O o Hahn rediscovered recoil in 1909 while experimenting
with actinium. Rutherford’s colleagues Sidney Russ and Walter
Makower at the University of Manchester showed that both alpha
and beta decay produced recoil. Researchers used recoil to sepa-
rate radioactive substances in a decay chain, which led to discover-
ies of new decay products.
Scientists characterized radioelements by their radiations
and decay rates, which were physical properties. To determine a