doors to female students, and su rage es were demonstrating in
London. In the domestic sphere, parents bought teddy bears for
their children and read them Beatrix Po er’s storybooks.
is had not been a peaceful time for Europeans, who had
waged wars in South Africa, East Asia, and Italy. e Balkan region,
long simmering with cultural and political tensions, ashed out in
a series of con icts which ended with uneasy armistices during
Art re ected the changing times. Innovators like Picasso,
Matisse, Chagal, Derain, and Kandinsky demonstrated new ways
of seeing the world with cubism, fauvism, German expressionism,
and other styles known collectively as post-impressionism. e
1913 Armory show in New York featuring the new approaches was
a sensation. Always on the cu ing edge of culture, the art world’s
move away from realistic depictions of ideal subjects foreshad-
owed the jarring unreality of future events.
In 1914 the fragile European détente disintegrated, with
unimaginable consequences. e provocateur was a Serbian
nationalist who assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire. is act triggered an escalating chain
of events that exploded into World War I.
Ordinary life, including most scienti c research, came to
a standstill. Of the major laboratories for radioactivity, only
the Vienna Radium Institute managed to keep research going
throughout the war.
Some scientists, like Ernest Rutherford,
worked on technical projects for the military, while others, like
O o Hahn, were dra ed. Marie Curie and her seventeen-year-old
daughter Irène drove around French ba le elds to bring travel-
ing x-ray stations to the front. Lise Meitner, an Austrian physicist
working in Berlin, volunteered for the Austrian army as an x-ray