than uranium could be inserted at the end of the table. But the new
radioelements could not be heavier than their parents, and there
were too many of them to t into the table’s remaining spaces.
Perhaps, suggested Keetman in 1909, several elements could share
one position in the table. Such elements should be nearly equal in
atomic weight since their chemical properties were so similar. e
idea was not completely original, as Sir William Crookes had sug-
gested something comparable back in 1886 to explain rare earth
spectra, but scientists had devised another way to place the rare
earth elements in the table
(Figure 6-1).
Unlike the inactive elements in the periodic table, the radioele-
ments had ancestries. All seemed to originate from three parents:
uranium, thorium, and actinium. As the parents decayed, they
produced lines of descendants, some with close resemblances. For
instance, all three decay series included inert gases, the “emana-
tions” later named radon, thoron, and actinon. Observers noticed
parallels between uranium X, thorium X, and actinium X, as well
as between radiothorium and radioactinium. ese analogous
substances usually appeared at the same position in each series
and o en sent out the same kinds of rays (Appendix 2).
In 1909 Swedish chemists Daniel Strömholm and eodor (or
“ e,” pronounced Tay) Svedberg did extensive chemical tests to
nd out where the radioelements belonged in the periodic table.
ey were struck by the analogies between the three decay series.
Could it be that these analogous substances, which no one had
been able to separate, did share positions in the periodic table? If
so, Mendeleyev’s scheme would need revision. Each “element” in
his table would be a mixture of several elements of nearly identical
atomic weight.
ere was no way to nd the atomic weights of the troublesome
radioelements directly, since they were produced in such minute