they were willing to move beyond those seemingly impenetrable
mysteries to questions they could answer.
In 1931 the rst International Conference on Nuclear Physics
convened in Rome. e next year Chadwick identi ed an uncha-
rged subatomic particle, the neutron. Of signi cant theoretical
import, the neutron became another tool for probing the atom’s
interior. A positively charged counterpart to the electron, the
positron, was discovered in cosmic rays by Carl Anderson.
In 1934 Irène Curie and her husband Frédéric Joliot produced
radioactive phosphorus, the rst of a sequence of arti cially cre-
ated radioactive isotopes. Many of these isotopes became useful
for medicine and industry, for instance as radioactive tracers, for
treating cancer, and as ionization sources in smoke detectors.
Experiments with arti cial isotopes eventually led to the dis-
covery of nuclear ssion in 1939 by German chemists O o Hahn
and Fritz Strassmann and Austrian physicist Lise Meitner. In s-
sion, an unstable nucleus breaks apart, producing two atoms of
lesser atomic weight. Commonly known as “spli ing the atom,”
this process releases huge amounts of energy.
Without announcement or fanfare, radioactivity had been
superseded by nuclear physics and particle physics. at once fas-
cinating phenomenon remained interesting mainly for its applica-
tions. Another new eld, nuclear chemistry, took the place vacated
by radiochemistry, whose major problems had been solved by the
early 1920s. Cosmic ray studies, born from radioactivity research,
were swallowed up by particle physics.
And so the mystery which had enticed scientists for several
decades was never solved on its original terms. New ways of con-
ceptualizing physics replaced the older ideas of physical systems
operating through chains of cause and e ect. Successes of the new
approaches convinced most scientists to view probability as a basic