desirable to nd a universal method for comparing these mea-
surements. Researchers, physicians, and manufacturers needed
to know the amount of radium in a sample in order to compare
research results, measure out quantities for therapy, and sell
radium in an international market.
One popular way of comparing the radioactivity of samples was
to compare the amount of emanation they emi ed. A more conve-
nient method involved measuring gamma radiation from radium
preparations. is method avoided the di culties of working with
gases, and since gamma rays could pass through glass, samples
could be safely sealed. Radium and radium emanation were usu-
ally chosen for standards, and other radioactive substances were
compared to them. When mesothorium became commercially
important, O o Hahn developed his own standards for compar-
ing mesothorium preparations in order to price them correctly.
Other methods were developed later for substances that did not
emit gamma rays.
In 1910 ten prominent radioactivity researchers gathered
in Belgium to develop standards for radioactivity: Marie Curie
and André Debierne from France, Hans Geitel and Hahn from
Germany, Stefan Meyer and Egon von Schweidler from Austria,
Rutherford and Soddy from Britain, Arthur S. Eve from Canada,
and Bertram B. Boltwood from the United States. Known as the
International Radium Standards Commi ee, the group negoti-
ated methods, nomenclature, and the best place to store a radium
standard. ey decided to name radioactivity’s basic unit of mea-
surement the “curie,” de ning it as the amount of emanation in
equilibrium with one gram of radium.
In order to develop a standard quantity of radium for compar-
ing measurements, Marie Curie and atomic weight expert O o
Hönigschmid prepared samples of puri ed radium chloride. e