was riddled with radium and other radioactive substances, all bets
were o on the earth’s age and its future prospects.
To get answers for the earth’s age, researchers turned to radio-
active rocks. Knowing from laboratory measurements how quickly
a radioactive element decayed, they could predict how much would
be le in a rock and how much of its decay product would be created
a er any time interval. A er measuring the amounts of the ele-
ment and its decay product contained in the rock, scientists could
estimate how long the transformation process had been going on,
which would be the rock’s age. is technique, radioactive dating,
was later used to estimate the age of fossils and other artifacts.
Helium’s presence in radioactive ores, and experiments show-
ing that radium produced it, made helium an early choice for
radioactive dating a empts. In 1905 the British physicist
Robert J. Stru set the age of a radium salt at a mind-boggling
2,000,000,000 years, while Rutherford estimated in 1906 that ores
he tested were at least 400,000,000 years old. Helium’s propensity
to escape from rocks over time limited this method’s accuracy.
In 1907 Bertram B. Boltwood suggested that lead was the nal
product of uranium disintegration. Several scientists analyzed
rocks to compare the amounts of uranium and lead they contained.
ese gures would allow them to estimate ages. Unlike the gas
helium, lead was more likely to remain in rocks inde nitely, mak-
ing these estimates more reliable. One specimen yielded the amaz-
ing age of 1,600,000,000 years! Over the next decade, researchers
continued to unravel the decay chains for the radioactive elements,
making it possible to compare amounts of these elements and their
decay products in rocks.
Early experimenters found that radioactivity can color glass,
gems, and mineral crystals. e responsible agent turned out to
be the alpha particle. Many minerals contain small amounts of