supernatural known as séances. Doomsayers and soothsayers and
assorted fringe elements anticipated the change of centuries with
escalating excitement.
If one listened, among the prophets and cranks who watched
for the turn of the century could be heard an undercurrent of wild
expectations, murmurs of ma er transforming into energy, atoms
reduced to vibrations in the ether, the ebb and ow of reality always
changing yet always the same. is was the sound of the river of
the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, who taught that reality
was like a river, forever changing yet forever the same. One never,
according to Heraclitus, steps into the same river twice. Nothing
is permanent but change. Now, in the late nineteenth century,
Heraclitus’ philosophy reappeared in modern popular guise, as his
river metaphorically owed through electromagnetic theory and
carried along bits and pieces of scienti c detritus into the teeming
imagination of the expectant public.
In the biological realm, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution
a orded a scheme which made change integral not only to living
things, but to the forms of life themselves. Evolutionary models,
some predating Darwin, were applied to the earth, the solar system,
and the periodic table of the chemical elements, as well as to stud-
ies of culture, society, and politics. Later, the transmutation theory,
which claimed that some elements could change into other elements,
would suggest that radioactivity could be assimilated to this theme.
In physics, electricity and the beautiful and mysterious e ects
which it created in high voltage vacuum tubes were popular elds
for investigation. Nineteenth-century advances in technology
had made it possible to study ma er and electricity in high vac-
uum. ree German instrument makers, Johann H. W. Geissler,
Heinrich Rühmkor , and Hermann J. P. Sprengel, revolutionized
the study of electricity in rare ed gases.