The dimensions and the density of a solid can be determined if the mass and
the radii of the components (be they ions, molecules, or atoms) are known.
X-ray crystallography is a useful technique that can also determine the
arrangements of atoms in the unit cell.
The liquid crystalline state is a transitional phase that exists between the solid
and liquid phase for some molecules. Typically, these molecules have long,
rigid structures with strong dipole moments.
13.2 Metals
To fill a cavity in a tooth, a dentist cleans out the hole and packs it with a com-
posite material made of glass and plastic resin, or with a “silver” filling, to arrest
the growth of the enamel-eating bacteria. The composite filling is popular, but
because the silver filling is much harder, more durable, and relatively inexpensive,
there is still a need for it. Why did we put quotation marks around the word
silver? The filling is actually is a mixture of about 50% mercury and 50% other
metals (including silver, tin, and copper). This is one of countless applications
of metals in our lives. In this section, we will examine the properties of metals
and learn why these elements are so useful.
Using a cast iron skillet to cook your eggs and bacon used to be the rule, not
the exception. You had to have a mitten handy to pick the skillet up off the stove,
or your hand would be badly burned. Metals, such as the iron in the skillet, have
long been known to conduct heat and electricity (see Chapter 5).
Why do metals
conduct heat?
One of the theories that explains these properties (and others) is
band theory. This theory addresses how adjacent metal atoms interact. For
example, two lithium atoms can interact with each other by sharing their elec-
trons. As we discussed in Chapter 9, this gives rise to our postulate that dilithium
can exist. A closer look at the molecular orbitals of dilithium reveals that the va-
lence electrons come from the 2s orbital. A bonding orbital lies below the energy
of the 2s orbital, and an antibonding orbital lies above the energy of the 2s orbital
(Figure 13.13). The valence electrons are placed in the molecular orbitals in such
a way as to fill the bonding orbital and leave the antibonding orbital empty.
What happens if three lithium atoms participate in bonding? The result of
mixing three atomic valence orbitals gives rise to three valence molecular or-
bitals (Figure 13.14). One of these orbitals is bonding, one is antibonding, and
one is nonbonding. A
nonbonding molecular orbital can be thought of as one that
neither enhances nor diminishes the molecular bonding. The nonbonding mole-
cular orbital arises when there is an odd number of atomic orbitals that mix in a
given energy level. The result of this mixing is an odd number of MOs in the en-
ergy level (one of the orbitals is the nonbonding MO). Three lithium atoms con-
tribute a total of three valence electrons to the valence molecular orbital diagram.
Placing them in the diagram results in a full bonding MO and a half-filled non-
bonding MO.
The overlap of four lithium atoms results in two bonding orbitals (completely
full of electrons) and two antibonding orbitals (empty), as shown in Figure 13.15.
An equal number of bonding molecular orbitals and antibonding molecular or-
bitals are formed. And the bonding orbitals reside at an energy level below that of
the antibonding orbitals.
If we increase the number of atoms that participate in forming molecular
orbitals to eight, we find that half of the orbitals (the bonding orbitals) fill with
electrons. The other half of the molecular orbitals is comprised of the empty an-
tibonding orbitals. In addition, the orbitals within the bonding and antibonding
13.2 Metals 551
2s 2s
1s 1s
FIGURE 13.13
Molecular orbital diagram of dilithium.
Two bonding and two antibonding MOs
make up the diagram for dilithium. Plac-
ing electrons in this MO diagram pro-
vides a full bonding MO and an empty
antibonding MO.
FIGURE 13.14
Molecular orbital dia-
gram of trilithium. Note
that the energy of the
MOs derived from 2s
orbitals is approaching
the energy of the MOs
derived from 1s orbitals.
Video Lesson: Metallurgical
Video Lesson:
Band Theory of