within a molecule cause individual nuclei to absorb slightly different frequencies
of radio waves. When a compound is placed in the NMR, these specific frequen-
cies are recorded. Then they can be used to identify the environments within a
molecule. With a very powerful magnetic field, chemists can use this information
from the NMR to determine the structural formula for a molecule.
13.4 Plastics
Today’s hospitals are completely different from those of 50 years ago. Advances in
the field of medicine from open-heart surgery to the use of more powerful and
useful medicines are among the most dramatic changes. Walk into a hospital
and what do you see? Plastics. Everywhere you look,
plastics have found a use. The
nurse, the physician, and the staff work with plastics in the form of gloves,
smocks, masks, and surgical booties. During the time in the hospital, the patient
is exposed to plastic in the form of syringes, tubing, sterile packaging, bandages,
and even the chairs in the waiting room.
What is plastic? All plastics are polymers (see Chapter 12), but not all poly-
mers are plastics. The DNA and protein within us, for example, are naturally
occurring polymers that are not plastics. Plastics are polymers that can be
molded into a shape and then hardened in that form. In 1907, the U.S. chemist
Leo Baekeland prepared the first completely synthetic plastic. Named after its in-
ventor, bakelite could be formed easily into almost any shape. After it hardened,
bakelite was tough, durable, and resistant to heat. Bakelite was used in the early
half of the 1900s as a lightweight counterpart to steel. Like most plastics, it also
works as a good insulator, which increases its utility as handles for frying pans,
spatulas, electrical plate covers, and other household items.
The successes with Bakelite prompted the preparation of many more types of
plastics, including polyethylene, saran, Teflon, nylon, neoprene, and a host of oth-
ers. Today, our world is inundated with plastics, which are used wherever possible
because they are light in weight and low in cost (see Table 13.8).
Why are there so many different types of plastics? The short answer
is that different types of plastics have different properties. Differing
properties suit different uses. A rigid plastic would not make a good
climbing rope because it does not bend. A stretchable plastic wouldn’t
make a good ruler or calculator housing. Therefore, we make different
plastics for different specific applications. The properties of a plastic
are related to the way it is manufactured and to its composition. By
controlling the polymerization reactions, we can make short polymer
chains (with lower melting points) or long polymer chains.
or linking the chains of adjacent polymer strands together, bestows
strength on the overall plastic. Orienting the chains in parallel makes
stretchable fibers.
Some airplanes are made largely of plastic—not the same type of plastic that is in
your soda bottle, but a plastic that is made in roughly the same manner. The type
of plastic that makes up the wings of some planes is a polymeric fiber. A
some examples of which are shown in Table 13.9 on page 566, is a polymer whose
chains are aligned in one direction. Fibers have a high
tensile strength (they
stretch without breaking when you pull them), a property that is good for, among
other products, airplane wings. Airplane wings need to be able to stretch when
the plane rides through turbulence. If the plastic weren’t stretchable, the air-
plane’s wings could snap off.
13.4 Plastics 563
Parallel chains improve
the strength of a polymer.
Crosslinking the chains makes
the polymer even stronger.