In LCAO–MO theory, atomic orbitals are
added together, both constructively and
destructively, to make molecular orbitals.
The resulting bonding orbital is of lower
energy, and the antibonding orbital is of
higher energy, than the individual atomic
9.3 Molecular Orbital Theory
3. To become excited, core electrons require more energy (such as that of
X-rays) than do valence electrons (for which the energy of UV or visible light
is enough).
4. Sigma-bonding electrons require more energy (UV less than 200 nm) than
pi-bonding electrons (visible between 200 and 700 nm) to become excited.
5. Electrons in conjugated π bonds require even less energy than unconjugated
π bonds to promote an electron in a π bond to the higher energy state.
6. As the conjugated π system gets longer, the energy of the photon required to
excite the electrons is reduced, moving from the blue toward the red region
of the visible electromagnetic spectrum.
This final property is used by photography chemists in the design of mole-
cules that can absorb a particular wavelength of light. Molecular orbital theory
can also be used to tell us what happens to bonds within a molecule when they
absorb light, why hydrogen exists as a diatomic molecule and helium does not,
and why some molecules (such as O
) are attracted to magnetic fields and why
some molecules (such as N
) are not.
Molecular Orbital Theory Defined
At about the same time that Linus Pauling worked out valence bond theory,
Robert S. Mulliken (1896–1986) began thinking about how bonds could arise
from delocalized valence orbitals. Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961) further devel-
oped this approach by devising a mathematical equation that described the hy-
drogen atom. This theory, known as
molecular orbital (MO) theory, is based on the
principles of quantum mechanics that we discussed in Chapter 6. It treats elec-
trons not as particles, but as waves that encompass the entire molecule. As in the
quantum mechanical description of atomic orbitals, molecular orbitals encircle
the atoms in a molecule. The Schrödinger equation defines the energy of each of
the orbitals of an atom or molecule. Unfortunately, the Schrödinger equation
cannot be solved exactly, except for a few very simple systems, so we usually make
some approximations that allow us to arrive at a usable solution. Probably the
most commonly used approximation is known as the
linear combination of atomic
orbitals–molecular orbitals (LCAO–MO) theory
. In this theory, atomic orbitals are
added together (both constructively and destructively) to make molecular
We must raise several points about the formation of molecular orbitals from
atomic orbitals (see Table 9.5). The most important point is that the combination
of two orbitals gives two new orbitals, just as in the hybridization of atomic or-
bitals. One of the new molecular orbitals, called the
bonding orbital, results from
the addition of two overlapping atomic orbitals; the other, called the
, results from the subtraction of two overlapping atomic orbitals. The
bonding orbital is lower in energy than either of the two atomic orbitals (the for-
mation of a molecular orbital with lower energy than the atomic orbitals drives
the formation of the bond). The bonding orbital indicates that there is some elec-
tron density between adjacent nuclei (a bond exists). The antibonding orbital is
higher in energy than the two atomic orbitals from which it is formed and is typ-
ically represented with an asterisk (
) to distinguish it from the bonding orbital.
The antibonding orbital indicates a lack of electron density between adjacent nu-
clei (no bond exists). Each new molecular orbital (both bonding and antibond-
ing) can contain two electrons.
A similarly important point in mixing atomic orbitals to make molecular or-
bitals is that only atomic orbitals of similar symmetry (shape and orientation)
and energy provide significant overlap. This rule means that only 1s orbitals over-
lap to a great degree with 1s orbitals. The 2p
orbital overlaps best with a 2p
bital. Their symmetry and size (i.e., energy) are similar. The 1s orbital doesn’t
Video Lesson: Molecular Orbital