Diamond Microcutting Tools 335
wave deposition, being an electrodeless process, avoids contamina-
tion of the films due to electrode erosion. Furthermore, the micro-
wave discharge at 2.45 GHz, being a higher ft-equency process than
the RF discharges at typically 13.56 MHz, produces a higher plasma
density with higher energy electrons, which effectively results in
higher concentrations of atomic hydrogen and hydrocarbon radicals
leading to efficient diamond growth. In addition, as the plasma is
confined to the center of the deposition chamber as a ball, carbon
deposition onto the walls of the chamber is prevented.
7.5.2 Hot Filament CVD (HFCVD)
In the early 1970s it was suggested that the simultaneous produc-
tion of atomic hydrogen during hydrocarbon pyrolysis may enhance
the deposition of diamond. Soviet researchers who generated H by
dissociating H2 using an electric discharge or a hot filament tested
this suggestion [8]. It was observed that atomic hydrogen could eas-
ily be produced by the passage of H2 over a refractory metal fila-
ment, such as tungsten, heated to temperatures between 2000 and
2500 K. When atomic hydrogen was added to the hydrocarbon typi-
cally with a C/H ratio of
it was observed that diamond could
be deposited while graphite formation was suppressed. The genera-
tion of atomic hydrogen during diamond CVD enabled (a) a dra-
matic increase in the diamond deposition rate to approximately
hr"^ and (b) the nucleation and growth of diamond on non-diamond
Because of its inherent simplicity and compara-
tively low operating cost, HFCVD has become very popular in in-
dustry. Table 7.2 outlines typical deposition parameters used in the
growth of diamond films by this technique.
A wide variety of refi'actory materials have been used as fila-
ments including tungsten, tantalum, and rhenium due to their high
electron emissivity. Refractory metals, which form carbides (e.g.,
tungsten and tantalum) typically must carburize their surface before
supporting the deposition of diamond films. The process of filament
carburization results in the consumption of carbon from the CH4,
and thus a specific incubation time is needed for the nucleation of
diamond films. Therefore, this process may affect the early stages of
film growth, although it is insignificant over longer periods. Fur-