Diamond Microcutting Tools 327
mond. As understanding of chemical thermodynamics developed
throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the pressure-temperature
range of diamond stability was explored. In 1955, these efforts cul-
minated in the development of a high pressure-high temperature
(HPHT) process of diamond synthesis with a molten transition metal
solvent-catalyst at pressures where diamond is the thermodynami-
cally stable phase [1]. Three major problems can be isolated for em-
phasizing the difficulty of making diamond in the laboratory. First,
there is difficulty in achieving the compact, strongly bonded struc-
ture of diamond, which requires extreme pressure. Secondly, even
when such a high pressure has been achieved, a very high tempera-
ture is required to make the conversion from other forms of carbon
to diamond proceed at a useful rate. Finally, when diamond is thus
obtained, it is in the form of very small grains and to achieve large
single crystal diamond requires yet another set of constraints. How-
ever, less well known has been a parallel effort directed toward the
growth of diamond at low pressures where it is metastable. Metasta-
ble phases can form from precursors with high chemical potential if
the activation barriers to more stable phases are sufficiently high. As
the precursors fall in energy, they can be trapped in a metastable
configuration. Formation of a metastable phase depends on selecting
conditions in which rates of competing processes to undesired prod-
ucts are low [2]. In the case of diamond, achieving the appropriate
conditions has taken decades of research [3]. The processes compet-
ing with diamond growth are spontaneous graphitization of the dia-
mond surface as well as nucleation and growth of graphitic deposits.
The most successful process for low-pressure growth of diamond
has been chemical vapor deposition (CVD) from energetically acti-
vated hydrocarbon/hydrogen gas mixtures. CVD is a process
whereby a thin solid film, by definition, is synthesized from the
gaseous phase via a chemical reaction. The development of CVD in
common with many technologies, has been closely linked to the
practical needs of society. The oldest example of a material depos-
ited by CVD is probably that of pyrolytic carbon, since as Ashfold et
[4] pointed out, some prehistoric art was done on cave walls with
soot condensed from the incomplete oxidation of firewood. A simi-
lar procedure formed the basis of one of the earliest patents and
commercial exploitation of a CVD process, which was issued for the