6.1.3 Materials and Deposition Processes for Roil-to-Roll Coating 773
the reduction in discharge voltage is the result of higher emissions of secondary
electrons typical of compounds.
This hysteresis or bistable behavior exists for both discharge voltage and for
deposition rate. The process will remain on the lower curve until the working gas
is made sufficiently lean in the reactive species so that removal by sputtering of
the compound layer on the target can occur. A target on which such a layer has
formed is often referred to as "poisoned." Very pronounced poisoning effects
may occur during reactive sputtering of materials with oxygen that form tena-
nonconductive oxides such as Al, Cr, Ti, and Ta. No poisoning occurs for
Au, where the sputtering rate for pure oxygen is not much different from that for
The poisoning effect introduces practical problems: The sudden decrease in de-
position rate means thickness control is lost. Precise control of stoichiometry is
nonexistent, a very important problem for transparent conductive indium tin ox-
To recover and return to the proper operating point, flow of reactant gas must
be decreased to the lower flow in the hysteretic curve. Time passes until operation
is again stabilized at this desired operating point; meanwhile, only scrap web has
been generated. Limited success has occurred in operating right at the transition
pp. 231-235.
Properly designed equipment and process technology does not behave this way.
Most discussions of these hysteretic transitions focus on sputtering processes at
the cathode, ignoring the rest of the system. The total system includes target de-
sign, system geometry, deposition and gettering on surrounding walls, positions
of gas injectors, and total gas flow, including nonreactive argon flow, which is
very dependent on pumping capability of the vacuum system.
Most sputtering models are rate independent. They assume that pressure of re-
actant gas is homogeneous throughout the system, so they predict target poison-
ing. In reality, high sputtering rates generate spatial gradients in concentration of
reactant gas; concentrations of reactant gases are not in hydrostatic equilibrium.
High-power densities keep targets quite clean and free of reactants. High argon
gas flows are used so that the concentration of reactant gas changes little as get-
tering rate changes on approach to saturation; the concentration depends primar-
ily on system gas flows as set by the operator.
The geometry of tubular sputter targets produces a radial spread of metal flux;
reactant pressure needed at the substrate for full reaction is thus significantly less
than reactant pressure required at the target to produce poisoning. Magnetic fields
are high, 0.1 T, and configured to produce efficient traps, so the system is not rate-
limited by secondary electrons as are typical planar targets. The voltage is low
even with no reactant gas, so it never exhibits a drop with additional reactant gas.
The target operates stably over a wide range of reactant flows, exhibiting no tran-
sitions and certainly no bistable behavior. This makes for a very stable and con-
trollable process.