5.6.2 The Electron Spectroscopies 735
librium in the atom, one of two relaxation processes may occur. An electron from
a shallower core level, Li, will lose its energy by filling the deep-level hole in the
K core level (generated by the scattering event) emitting an X-ray of energy E^ ~
Another process, known as the Auger process, can occur where the K hole is
filled by the electron from the L2 level by losing energy. The energy loss is syn-
chronously coupled to an electron in a nearby level,
electron is excited
to a kinetic energy approximately equal to the energy loss,
and may leave
the atom. The excited Auger electron is designated by the three levels involved in
the process, KLL. The energy associated with the Auger transition is unique to the
atom of origin and is used for chemical analysis. Typically, the core level is des-
ignated by standard spectroscopic notation (K, L12, L23,
Note that Auger processes can also be excited by X-rays.
Since a large number of secondary and primary electrons are observed in the
Auger spectrum, the signal is generally differentiated with respect to the kinetic
energy. This removes a large portion of the background and produces a very sen-
sitive method of observing the Auger transitions.
If the material is excited by nearly monochromatic X-rays, core-level electrons
can be excited. The excitation process must conserve energy, and hence the ki-
netic energy of the excited electron
— hv
E^ where E^ is the binding en-
ergy of the core-level electron designated by spectroscopic notation, K, Li, L2,
M4, etc. The core-level excited electron has a unique binding energy, de-
pending on the atom of origin, and is used for chemical identification. Surface Sensitivity Mechanism
When an electron leaves an excited atomic level in a material, it loses its origi-
nal kinetic energy primarily through electron-electron interactions and thermal
losses (phonons). The original electron kinetic energy is indicative of the atom of
origin (qualitative analysis). After the electron loses energy, it is no longer readily
identified with the original excitation and is called a loss electron. The range the
electron traverses before losing its first quanta of energy through some process in
the material, is known as the "electron inelastic mean free path" and is generally
of the order of a few atomic layers. This range depends on material and kinetic
energy. Electrons that escape from the surface can have energies equal to or less
than its kinetic energy {hv - E^). To identify surface species, the excited elec-
trons that leave the surface must not lose kinetic energy. Only "elastically" scat-
tered electrons leaving the surface add to the detected atomic core-level transition
(either electron- or photon-excited spectra). Therefore, both Auger electron and
photoelectron spectroscopy are surface sensitive for the same reason.
The electron "escape depth" is a function of electron kinetic energy, the mate-