degree of coring during the actual solidification process. Moreover, struc-
tural changes below approximately 400
C take place in copper-tin alloys
with extreme sluggishness. Both of these factors mean that a cast bronze,
cooled to ambient temperature under normal industrial conditions, will
rarely exhibit the structure indicated by the equilibrium diagram.
In short, whilst the peritectic reaction (a —»(3) at 789°C and the eutectoid
transformations (|3 -» a + y) at 586°C and (y -> a + 6) at 520
C will take
place as indicated by the diagram during ordinary rates of cooling, the
eutectoid transformation (6 —> a + e) at 350
C would occur only under
conditions of extremely slow cooling, such as would never be encountered
industrially. Hence the phase 8 (Cu
Sn) is never seen in the structure of a
cast bronze containing more than 11.0% tin. Further, due to the slow rate
of diffusion of copper and tin atoms below 350
C, the precipitation of 8
from a in alloys containing less than 11.0% tin, in accordance with the
phase boundary XY, will not occur. For practical purposes the reader can
therefore ignore that part of the equilibrium diagram below 400
C and
assume that whatever structure has been attained at 400
C will persist to
room temperature under normal industrial rates of cooling.
16.42 As with brasses, the a-phase, being a solid solution, is tough and
ductile, so that a-phase alloys can be cold-worked successfully. The
6-phase, however, is an intermetallic compound of composition equivalent
to Cu
, and is a hard, brittle, blue substance, whose presence renders
the a + 5 bronzes rather brittle. The 6-phase must, therefore, be absent
from alloys destined for any degree of cold-work.
Due to heavy coring arising from slow rates of diffusion, cast alloys with
as little as 6.0% tin will show particles of 6 at the boundaries of the cored
a crystals. The skeletons of the a-phase crystals will be much richer in
copper than the nominal 94%, thus making the outer fringes correspond-
ingly richer in tin to such an extent that the 6-phase is formed. In order to
make such an alloy amenable for cold-work, the 6-phase can be absorbed
by prolonged annealing (say six hours at 700
C), which will promote dif-
fusion so that equilibrium is attained in accordance with the equilibrium
diagram and a uniform a-phase structure produced. Subsequent air-cooling
—or even furnace-cooling at the usual industrial rates—will be too rapid
to permit precipitation of any of the s-phase when the phase boundary
XY is reached; and so the uniform a structure will be retained at room
temperature. By using such initial heat-treatment to produce a uniform a
structure it is possible to cold-work bronzes containing as much as 14%
tin, though in general industrial practice only alloys with up to 7% tin are
produced in wrought form.
The tin bronzes can be classified as follows:
16.43 Plain Tin Bronzes These comprise both wrought and cast
alloys, the former usually containing up to 7% tin and the latter as much
as 18% tin. The wrought alloys contain none of the 6-phase, the absence
of which makes them amenable to shaping by cold-working operations.
These alloys are usually supplied as rolled sheet, drawn rod or drawn
turbine blading.
The cast alloys are used mainly for bearings, since the structure fulfils