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Temper brittleness 104 302 309
Temper colours 268
Temperatures for: annealing 92 252 334 381
hardening 256 265 296 300 301
305 310 313 319 322
tempering 266 296 300 301 305
310 313 319 322 338
Tempering of: hardened steel 156 266
high-speed steel 337
stainless high-chromium steel 301
Tempering furnaces 268
Tensile: strength 35
-test 41
Ternary equilibrium diagrams 210
Test bars 39 43 49
Testing of welds 497
Tests: fluorescent 498
for intercrystalline corrosion 434
gamma-ray- 53
Jominy- 280
magnetic- 50 497
mechanical- 34
ultra sonic- 54
X-ray- 51 498
Thermal equilibrium diagrams see Equilibrium
Thermit welding 407 489
Thermodynamics, First Law of 58
Thermoplastic 23
Thermosetting 24
Thixomoulding 123
Thomas and Gilchrist 146