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Dislocation theories 82
Disordered solid solutions 162 192
Dispersion hardening 176
DNA specifications 2
Dolomite 147
Domain (magnetic) 344
Drawing dies 131
steel for 131 298 313
Drawing processes 130
Drills: steel for 157 158 338
tempering of 268
Drop forging 125
Ductile-brittle transition (in steels) 108
Ductile fracture 101 104
Ductile iron see Spheroidal-graphite iron
Ductility, definition of 35
Dudley, Dud 140
Duplex structures 175
Duralumin 417 419 421 423
ageing of 417
precipitation-hardening of 418
shaping of 419
Dye-penetration tests 50 498
Edge dislocations 84
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity 454
Elastic deformation 35 60 79 90
Elastic limit 37 59
Elastic Modulus see Young’s Modulus
Electric furnace process (steel making) 149
Electric iron smelting 144