electrical and thermal conductivities are required, and is copper which has
been refined electrolytically.
Fire-refined grades of copper can be either tough pitch or deoxidised
according to their subsequent application. The former contains small
amounts of oxygen (present as copper (I) oxide, O12O) absorbed during
the manufacturing process. It is usually present in amounts of the order
of 0.04-0.05% oxygen (equivalent to 0.45-0.55% copper(I)oxide). This
copper(I) oxide is present as tiny sky-blue globules which were originally
part of a CU/O12O eutectic. Hot-working of the copper ingots breaks down
the Cu
O layers of this eutectic into globules. These globules have a neglig-
ible effect as far as electrical conductivity, and most other properties, are
concerned. The presence of copper(I) oxide is, in fact often advantageous,
since harmful impurities, like bismuth, appear to collect as oxides associ-
ated with the copper (I) oxide globules, instead of occurring as brittle inter-
crystalline films, as they would otherwise do.
For processes such as welding and tube-making, however, the existence
of these globules is extremely deleterious, since reducing atmospheres con-
taining hydrogen cause gassing of the metal. Hydrogen is interstitially
soluble in solid copper so that it comes into contact with subcutaneous
globules of copper(I) oxide, reducing them thus:
O H- H
^ 2Cu + H
Equilibrium proceeds to the right according to the Law of Mass Action
because the concentration of dissolved hydrogen is high relative to that of
copper (I) oxide. The water formed is present as steam at the temperature
of the reaction. Since steam is virtually insoluble in solid copper it is
precipitated at the crystal boundaries, thus, in effect, pushing the crystals
apart and reducing the ductility by as much as 85% and the tensile strength
by 30-40%. Under the microscope gassed tough-pitch copper is recognised
by the thick grain boundaries, which are really minute fissures, and by the
absence of copper(I) oxide globules.
For such purposes as welding, therefore, copper is deoxidised before
being cast by the addition of phosphorus, which acts in the same way as
the manganese used in deoxidising steels. A small excess of phosphorus,
of the order of 0.04%, dissolves in the copper after deoxidation, and this
small amount is sufficient to reduce the electrical conductivity by as much
as 25%. So, whilst copper which is destined for welding or thermal treat-
ment in hydrogen-rich atmospheres should be of this type, copper deoxi-
dised by phosphorus would be unsuitable for electrical purposes, where
either electrolytic copper or good-quality tough-pitch copper must be used.
16.23 Mention was made (16.10) of the use of arsenic in hardening
copper by Balkans metal workers some 6000 years ago. In more recent
times up to 0.5% arsenic was added to much of the copper used in the
construction of locomotives. This addition considerably increased the
strength at elevated temperatures by raising the softening temperature
from about 190
C for the pure metal to 550
C for arsenical copper. This
made arsenical copper useful in the manufacture of steam locomotive fire-