will pass the ruins of an old copper-mine, perched on the mountain side
below the Crib Goch ridge. This small mine was one of many located in
the mountainous areas of Britain, but all have long since ceased pro-
duction. Their output was insignificant compared with that of a modern
mine like that at Chuquicamata, in Chile. Nevertheless supplies of the
higher grades of copper ore are diminishing and the demand for yet higher
outputs has meant that low-grade, less economical sources have to be
worked. Until a couple of decades ago the world tonnage of copper pro-
duced annually was second only to that of iron but now copper ranks third,
having been overtaken by aluminium.
Although the USA is still the largest producer of copper, as of many
other metals, her output is being closely approached by those of the CIS
and Chile. Canada, Zambia, Zaire and Peru are also leading producers,
whilst in Europe the outputs of Poland and Yugoslavia are significant. The
bulk of Britain's supply of copper comes from Zambia and Canada.
Properties and Uses of Copper
16.20 A very large part of the world's production of metallic copper is
used in the unalloyed form, mainly in the electrical industries. Copper has
a very high specific conductivity, and is, in this respect, second only to
silver, to which it is but little inferior. When relative costs are considered,
copper is naturally the metal used for industrial purposes demanding high
electrical conductivity.
16.21 The Electrical Conductivity of Copper The International
Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) was adopted by the International Elec-
trochemical Commission as long ago as 1913, and specified that an
annealed copper wire 1 m long and of cross-section 1 mm
should have a
resistance of no more than 0.017241 ohms at 20
C. Such a wire would be
said to have a conductivity of 100%. Since the standard was adopted in
1913 higher purity copper is now commonly produced and this explains
the anomalous situation where electrical conductivities of up to 101.5%
are frequently quoted.
As indicated in Fig. 16.1, the presence of impurities reduces electrical
conductivity. To a lesser degree, cold-work has the same effect. Reduction
in conductivity caused by the presence of some elements in small amounts
is not great, so that up to 1% cadmium, for example, is added to telephone
wires in order to strengthen them. Such an alloy, when hard-drawn, has a
tensile strength of some 460 N/mm
as compared with 340 N/mm
hard-drawn, pure copper, whilst the electrical conductivity is still over 90%
of that for soft pure copper. Other elements have pronounced effects
on conductivity; as little as 0.04% phosphorus will reduce the electrical
conductivity to about 75% of that for pure copper.
16.22 The Commercial Grades of Copper include both furnace-
refined and electrolytically refined metal. High-conductivity copper (usu-
ally referred to as OFHC or oxygen-free high conductivity) is of the highest
purity, and contains at least 99.9% copper. It is used where the highest