830 S.J. Cunningham a nd M. Kupnik
Cleaning of Wafer Surface
After the wafers are in the state of having a smooth surface, careful cleaning
is required. The surface of the wafers for a direct wafer bonding step requires
extra careful cleaning. The goal is to have no particle contamination, no organic
contamination (hydrocarbons from air, commonly found in high concentrations
in cleanroom environments), and no ionic contamination (from metal tweezers,
glassware, etc.).
The effect of these three types of contamination in terms of bonding is different
Particles on the surface, such as shown in Fig. 11.5, have the most severe influ-
ence on direct wafer bonding. They act as spacers and produce a separation. As a
rule of thumb, a 1 μmlargeparticleona4in.silicon wafer produces a void of
about 1 cm in diameter [8]. As shown in Fig. 11.6, particle-induced voids can be
detected by simple IR inspection after the room temperature bond has been per-
formed. Because at that stage the bond is reversible, the wafers can be separated
and cleaned again. In the case where the particle void is ignored or too small for IR
detection (the large wavelength of the IR source limits the resolution), the size of
the void will only reduce slightly during the subsequent annealing step and, thus,
reduce the yield.
In terms of organic contamination the main problem is that the quality of
adhesion becomes degraded. After the room temperature bonding step, usually
nonbonded areas do not occur or at least are not large enough to be detected by
IR, but then during the thermal treatment step, thermally induced voids can occur
(nucleation of interface bubbles).
The concerns of metallic contamination are not so much on the quality of the
direct bond itself, but on the electronic properties of the semiconductor material,
which often might not be a problem at all for MEMS devices.
In general, the cleaning step for direct wafer bonding is not different than stan-
dard cleaning procedures [17, 18] in the microelectronics industry. A standard
hydrogen peroxide-based RCA1
wet cleaning procedure (mixture of ammonium
hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and DI water, in ratio 1:1:5) can be used, fol-
lowed by an RCA2 clean (mixture of hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide, and
DI water). Another alternative, which the authors of this chapter use at the Stanford
Nanofabrication Facility, is to use a hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid (piranha
clean) mixture instead of the RCA1, followed by a standard RCA2 step. No increase
in surface roughness has been found (surface roughness measurements by AFM)
after this cleaning procedure, even after extensive cleaning times.
As indicated in Fig. 11.6, a dip in hydrofluoric acid (HF) can be included in the
cleaning sequence. In the case of a silicon wafer this would create a hydrophobic
surface because the native oxide is removed. Using this HF dip usually is advan-
tageous, because the native oxide layer often acts as a trap for metallic or organic
contaminations. It does not prevent the option of performing a hydrophilic bond,
Named after the company Radio Corporation of America (RCA), in which Werner Kern, the
developer of this cleaning procedure, was working at that time [17].