Monte Carlo Simulation 22.4 Bicritical Phenomena in O(5) Model 1133
suppression of negative weights can be proved by a non-
local unitary transformation with appropriate coupling
Another algorithm which does not suffer from the
negative-sign problem for strongly-correlated electron
systems is shown in [22.99, 100]. This algorithm is
based on a cluster algorithm and called the meron-
cluster algorithm. The model considered here is the
fermionic version of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model
without chemical potentials. For fermionic systems,
there are two types of clusters, one changing their
signs by a flip, and the other not. The former is called
meron-clusters. Only the configurations without meron-
clusters contribute to the average of the sign Sign,
since in the cluster algorithm without magnetic fields
(which correspond to chemical potentials for fermionic
systems), clusters flip independently with probability
1/2: Configurations with meron-clusters cancel signs
by a flip ((+1−1)/2 =0). For the calculation of suscep-
tibilities χ =O
Sign/Sign, only the configurations
with zero or two meron-clusters contribute. Thus, up-
dating configurations with the restriction that there are
at most two meron-clusters, susceptibilities can be cal-
culated with sufficient statistics.
22.3.9 Other Exact Methods
There are some methods which give exact results for
large quantum systems in principle other than quan-
tum Monte Carlo methods. One is the high-temperature
expansion method [22.101, 102]. In this method, the
partition function is expanded in powers of the in-
verse temperature. Thus, this method gives exact results
in the high-temperature limit and is applicable to any
models in the thermodynamic limit. Properties in the
low-temperature regime are investigated by extrapolat-
ing data using the Padé approximation.
The density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG)
method also gives accurate results in large-size sys-
tems [22.103, 104]. In this method, the ground state
is approximated by eigen states of the density matrix
with large weights. The states are updated by adding or
readjusting local sites. Hence, this method is effective
for one-dimensional systems with open boundary con-
ditions. This method has been extended to investigate
finite-temperature properties [22.105–109].
In order to investigate electron systems without
suffering from the negative-sign problem, the path-
integral renormalization group (PIRG) method has
been developed [22.110–112]. In this method, the
ground state is approximated by a linear combina-
tion of nonorthogonal single-particle states in the form
of (22.70). The states are selected so as to minimize
the energy. Single-particle trial states are generated
in the same way as in the auxiliary-field quantum
Monte Carlo method. This method is applicable to the
Hubbard models in any dimensions even with frustra-
tions [22.113–115].
22.4 Bicritical Phenomena in O(5) Model
Several applications of the Monte Carlo techniques are
reviewed in the remaining part of this chapter. The first
one is for a classical O(5) model. The competition be-
tween antiferromagnetism (AF) and superconductivity
(SC) is observed in high-T
superconductors and sev-
eral others including organic ones, where the effects
of strong correlations among electrons are important.
This feature has led to the SO(5) theory, where the
U(1) symmetry of SC and SU(2) symmetry of AF is
unified to a group of SO(5) [22.116, 117]. The SO(5)
symmetry is achieved through the competition between
the two orders at a bicritical point [22.118, 119]in
the phase diagram. In general, however, the symme-
try of a fixed point, or even its existence, depends on
the dimensionality, the number of degrees of freedom,
as well as biquadratic perturbations [22.120, 121]. In
literature [22.122], the following picture for the stabil-
ity of the multicritical point for 5 spin-components in
three dimensions is provided by the ε expansions of
the renormalization group (RG) theory: for positively
large, biquadratic AF-SC couplings, the normal(N)-AF
and N-SC transitions switch from second to first order
before the two critical lines touch because of ther-
mal fluctuations, resulting in two tricritical points and
a triple point in the phase diagram; the stable fixed point
should be a decoupled, tetracritical point characterized
by a negative biquadratic AF-SC coupling.
Our Monte Carlo (MC) simulations on the O(5)
Hamiltonian in three dimensions [22.123, 124] indicate
however that the bicritical point is stable as far as the bi-
quadratic coupling is nonnegative, and that for negative
biquadratic couplings the biconical, tetracritical point
takes the place, in contrast to the RG results. We have
formulated a scaling theory on the order parameters,
which provides a powerful tool for estimation of the bi-
critical point and the bicritical and crossover exponents.
Part E 22.4