Subject Index 1223
– signal 316
reflectivity 594
refractive index 217, 236, 595, 644
– complex 626
regenerative amplifier 620
regional metrology organization
(RMO) 10, 29, 31
regular solution model 1062
relative complex permittivity 529
relative sensitivity factor (RSF)
147, 296, 301
– peak 231
– spectroscopy 242
– time 231, 242
reliability function 951
remanence 547
repetition rate 621
representation theorem 1018
requirements for reference
procedures 119
resistance 486
– bridge 476
– measurement 494
– thermometer 475
resolution 310
resolved shear stress 1028
resonance transition 529
resonant Raman scattering 229,
243, 604
resonant transition 528
resonant vibrating cantilever mode
restriction endonucleases 836
restriction fragment length
polymorphism (RFLP) 836
retention time 267
reticuliterme 785
Reticulitermes santonensis 787
retina examination 655
RE-TM (rare-earth transition-metal)
reversed-phase liquid
chromatography (RPLC) 169
reversible phase transition 641
RF (radiofrequency) 147, 159
RFLP (restriction fragment length
polymorphism) 836
rhodium–iron thermometer 477
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) 835
ribotyping 837
Rietveld method 234
rigid band approximation 1078
ring specimen 556
river pattern 425
RMO (regional metrology
organization) 10, 29, 31
RNAA (radiochemical NAA) 161
rock varnish 816
rolling direction 1021
rolling motion 751
room fire 876
root mean square 314
– deviation 315
rotating disc electrode (RDE) 685,
rotating ring disc electrode (RRDE)
roughness 312
– measurement 312
– R-profile 312
RPLC (reversed-phase liquid
chromatography) 169
RRDE (rotating ring disc electrode)
rRNA (ribosomal RNA) 835
RSF (relative sensitivity factor)
147, 296, 301
ruthenium-oxide sensor 481
Rutherford backscattering
spectrometry (RBS) 240, 297,
r-value 392
S/N (signal-to-noise ratio) 154
SAD (selected area diffraction) 234
SADCMET (Southern African
Development Community
Cooperation in Measurement
Traceability) 29
sample rotation 293
sampling 40, 312
– and analytical quality control
scheme (SAQCS) 45
– length 313
– proficiency test (SPT) 42
–target 44
– uncertainty 41
sandstone 812
sap stain 777
sapphire crystalline fiber 639
satellite spots 234
–coil 547, 562
– magnetization 543
– magnetometer 562
– polarization 562
Savitzky and Golay smoothing 290
SBS (sick-building syndrome) 860
scale of materials 16
scanner tube 319
scanning confocal laser microscopy
(SCLM) 837
scanning electrochemical microscopy
(SECM) 690
scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
180, 222, 292, 308, 309, 320, 424,
607, 645
– cathodoluminescence mode
(SEM-CL) 257
scanning force microscopy (SFM)
scanning nanoindenter 273
scanning near-field optical
microscopy (SNOM) 225, 272,
scanning probe microscopy (SPM)
223, 281, 308, 318
scanning reference electrode
technique (SRET) 691
scanning transmission electron
microscopy (STEM) 179, 221
scanning tunneling microscopy
(STM) 223, 241, 282, 309, 318,
672, 689
scanning tunneling spectroscopy
(STS) 224
scanning vibrating electrode
technique (SVET) 691
scanning white-light interferometry
(SWLI) 317
scattering 211, 602
– parameter 532
– wave vector 213
Scherzer defocus 221, 254
schlieren 653, 654
– contact 514
– defect 491
Schrödinger equation 1067
scialbatura 812
SCLM (scanning confocal laser
microscopy) 837
scratch test 407, 753
screening of electric field 609
SD (strength difference) 393
SDO (standards development
organization) 361
sealed x-ray tube 233
SEC (specific energy consumption)
SECM (scanning electrochemical
microscopy) 690
Subject Index