B.5 Nanoscopic Architecture and Microstructure
by Koji Maeda, Hiroshi Mizubayashi
The authors would like to thank Drs. M. Hasegawa,
A. Hida, K. Hono, M. Ichihara, H. Jinnai, R. Matsuo,
A. Momose, S. Morita, T. Nish, K. Oshima, Y. Satow,
T. Sekiguchi, I. Shimada and I. Yonenaga for useful
discussions or kindly supplying us with unpublished
materials and data.
B.6 Surface and Interface Characterization
by Martin Seah, Leonardo De Chiffre
The authors would like to thank Ian Gilmore and
Steve Spencer, National Physical Laboratory, for crit-
ical reading of the text and preparing some of the
Figs, Pietro Lonardo, University of Genova, for valu-
able contributions during preparation of the section on
surface topography, and Jørgen Garnæs, Danish Fun-
damental Metrology, for valuable contributions during
preparation of the text on scanning probe microscopy.
Part of this work is supported by the National Mea-
surement System of the UK Department of Trade and
Industry through the Valid Analytical Measurements
C.7 Mechanical Properties
by Sheldon M. Wiederhorn, Richard J. Fields,
Samuel Low, Gun-Woong Bahng, Alois Wehrstedt,
Junhee Hahn, Yo Tomota, Takashi Miyata,
Haiqing Lin, Benny D. Freeman, Shuji Aihara,
Yukito Hagihara, Tetsuya Tagawa
Sect. 7.1. The authors are grateful to ASTM Interna-
tional and to ASM International for giving us permission
to republish copyrighted figures from their publications.
Figures 7.4 to 7.12 are reprinted with permission of
ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Con-
shohocken, PA 19428. The ASTM standard designation
number and title for each figure are given in the figure
caption and in the reference to the figure. Figures 7.13
to 7.15 were reprinted with the permission of ASM In-
ternational, Materials Park, OH (2000).
Sect. 7.6. We gratefully acknowledge partial support
of this work by the Chemical Sciences, Geosciences
and Biosciences Division, Office of Basic Energy
Sciences, Office of Science, US Department of En-
ergy (grant no. DE-FG03-02ER15362). This research
work was also partially supported by the US De-
partment of Energy’s National Energy Technology
Laboratory under a subcontract from Research Triangle
Institute through their prime contract no.: DE-AC26-
E.21 Phase Field Approach
by Toshiyuki Koyama
The author would like to thank Prof. T. Miyazaki,
Prof. M. Doi, and Prof. H. Onodera for useful dis-
cussions on many occasions. He also thanks Dr.
M. Ode for useful comment concerning the thin
interface model of the phase-field method. This
work was partly supported by the Special Coordi-
nation Funds for Promoting Science and Technol-
ogy on Nanohetero Metallic Materials, the NAREGI
Nanoscience Project, Ministry of Education, Cul-
ture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, and
the CREST of the Japan Science and Technology