Steel Heat Treatment Failures due to
L.C.F. Canale, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo
G.E. Totten, Associac¸a˜o Instituto Internacional de Cieˆncia and
Portland State University
QUENCHING is one of the more important
heat treating processes, because it is so closely
related to dimensional control requirements and
control of residual stresses. Quenching is often
attributed to many distortion and cracking pro-
blems, whether the quenching process is the
actual root cause or not. Approximately 20% of
the problems in heat treating relate to heating
processes, while as much as 80% of the pro-
blems relate to cooling processes. This chapter
provides an overview of the fundamental
material- and process-related parameters of
quenching on residual stress, distortion control,
and cracking. This overview is followed by
various selected case histories of failures
attributed to the quenching process.
Phase Transformations During Heating
and Quenching
Properties such as hardness, strength, duc-
tility, and toughness are dependent on the
microstructural products that are present in steel.
Typically, the first step in the transformation
process is to heat the steel to its austenitizing
temperature. The austenitized steel is then
cooled rapidly to avoid the formation of pearlite,
which is a relatively soft transformation product,
and to maximize formation of martensite, a
relatively hard transformation product, and to
achieve the desired as-quenched hardness.
The most common transformation products
that may be formed in quench-hardenable steels
from austenite are, in order of formation with
decreasing cooling rate, martensite, bainite,
pearlite, ferrite, and cementite. The formation of
these products and the proportions of each are
dependent on the time and temperature cooling
history of the particular alloy and the elemental
composition of that alloy. The transformation
products formed are typically illustrated with the
use of transformation diagrams that show the
temperature-time dependence of the micro-
structure formation process for the alloy being
studied. Two of the most commonly used trans-
formation diagrams are the time-temperature
transformation and continuous cooling trans-
formation diagrams.
Time-temperature transformation (TTT)
diagrams, also called isothermal transforma-
tion diagrams, are developed by heating small
samples of steel to the austenite transformation
temperature, followed by rapid cooling to a tem-
perature intermediate between the austenitizing
and the martensite start (M
) temperature, and
then holding for a fixed period of time until the
transformation is complete, at which point the
transformation products are determined. This is
done repeatedly until a TTT diagram is con-
structed, such as that shown for an unalloyed
steel (AISI 1045) in Fig. 1 (Ref 1). The TTT
diagrams can only be read along the isotherms.
Continuous Cooling Transformation Dia-
grams. Alternatively, a given steel may be
continuously cooled from the austenitizing tem-
perature at different specified rates. The pro-
portion of transformation products formed after
cooling to various temperatures intermediate
between the austenitizing temperature and the
temperature is used to construct a continuous
cooling transformation (CCT) diagram, such as
the one shown for an unalloyed carbon steel
(AISI 1045) in Fig. 2 (Ref 1). The CCT curves
provide data on the temperatures for each phase
transformation, the amount of transformation
product obtained for a given cooling rate with
time, and the cooling rate necessary to obtain
martensite. The critical cooling rate is dictated
by the time required to avoid formation of
Name ///sr-nova/Dclabs_wip/Failure_Analysis/5113_255-284.pdf/Chap_08/ 18/8/2008 3:28PM Plate # 0 pg 255
Failure Analysis of Heat Treated Steel Components
L.C.F. Canale, R.A. Mesquita, and G.E. Totten, editors, p 255-284
DOI: 10.1361/faht2008p255
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