Micropitting fatigue usually occurs on heav-
ily-loaded surface-hardened components and
is characterized by a frosted or gray-stained
appearance under thin-film lubrication condi-
tions (Ref 87, 123). Numerous small cracks in
the surface may exceed the depth of the micro-
pits (Ref 124). Under magnification, small pits
approximately 10 mm deep will be observed.
The surface will appear etched with a pattern
that sometimes follows the slightly higher ridges
left by cutter marks or other surface irregula-
rities on the finished component. Micropitting is
influenced by high surface loads, frictional heat
generation due to poor lubrication caused by
insufficient film thicknesses in the partial elas-
tohydrodynamic lubrication regime, excessive
retained austenite, tangential speed, and lubri-
cant additives and oxidation (Ref 123).
Micropitting is strongly influenced by the
relative lubricating oil film thickness and can
be quantitatively related to both the surface
condition (roughness) and the thickness of
the lubricating film by the lambda (L) value
(Ref 124, 125):
where s
and s
are the root mean square surface
roughness of the two opposing wear surfaces,
and h is the lubricating oil film thickness. When
Li3, there is full film lubrication with no
asperity contact. When 0.85L53, there is
partial elastohydrodynamic lubrication. When
L50.8, there is a boundary lubrication condi-
tion. When L51, micropitting will occur, and
once micropitting occurs, pitting fatigue (mac-
ropitting) will be accelerated (Ref 124). How-
ever, if macropitting does occur, it is often
characterized by an arrowhead or fan shape (Ref
123). There have been reports of substantial
improvements in fatigue lives, such as with
carburized 9310 steel, with corresponding reduc-
tions in surface roughness (Ref 125).
For gears, there is a critical temperature where
pitting fatigue and scuffing are likely to occur.
This is called the critical scuffing temperature
), which is calculated from:
where T
is the equilibrium temperature of
the gears before meshing, and T
is the flash
temperature, which is the instantaneous tem-
perature rise due to localized friction heat at the
point where the gear teeth mesh. The value of T
is controlled by gear geometry design, and the
value of T
is controlled by the lubricant visc-
osity and surface roughness.
To minimize micropitting:
Use higher operational speeds and smooth
material surfaces.
Use the recommended amount of clean, dry
lubricant with the highest viscosity permis-
Reduce the lubricating oil temperature and
surface loading.
Use the optimal amount of case carbon
content in carburized gear materials.
Contact Fatigue Pitting (Macropitting)
Pitting failures occur when fatigue cracks are
initiated on the tooth surface or just below the
surface. Usually, fatigue pits are the result of
surface cracks caused by metal-to-metal contact
of asperities or defects due to insufficient lubri-
cant film thickness. They are dependent on the
Hertzian contact surface stress and the number
of stress cycles (Ref 124). Surface asperities of
the harder material of a wear contact will lead to
damage of the softer surface, sometimes by a
work-hardening mechanism, leading to the
creation of microcracks that then become fatigue
pits as the wear process continues (Ref 124).
Pitting damage is commonly encountered with
rolling element bearings, gears, and machine
components subject to cyclic rolling-sliding
motion under a load. Initially, fatigue pits may
occur in localized areas and may range in size
from 0.38 to 0.76 mm (0.015 to 0.030 in.) in
diameter (Ref 85).
Vinokur et al. examined the effect of case
carbon content of carburized 18KhGNMFL steel
(1.3% Mn, 1.3% Cr, 0.8% Ni, 0.25% Mo, 0.1%
V) on the contact endurance of fatigue tests
conducted with a wear test with an applied stress
of 3500 MPa using a lubricating oil. Contact
fatigue was the average of 10 tests to determine
the number of cycles until pitting was observed.
The case depth was approximately 1.8 mm. The
carburized steel was hardened from the inter-
critical range and tempered at 170
C. The
results of this study are summarized in Fig. 71
(Ref 126). The contact endurance increases with
carbon content up to approximately 0.9% C and
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