hydrogen-assisted cracking (HAC)
failure to pass bend tests due to hydrogen, 513(F)
ferrite vein cracking in high-heat output welds,
fisheyes on fracture surface, 511–512(F)
underbead cracking, 510–511(F)
ferrite vein cracking, 512–513(F)
fisheyes, 511–512(F)
hydrogen-assisted reduced ductility, 508(F), 513(F),
underbead cracking, 503(T), 504(F), 509–511
weld metal HAC, 511
hydrogen-assisted cracking theory, 506–509(F&T)
hydrogen-assisted reduced ductility, 508(F), 513(F), 514(F)
hydrogen-induced cracking, 36
impact testpieces, 121(F)
impact tests, usefulness of, 482
impact toughness testing, 49
case studies
failure in the axle of a reduced section in a rotating
component, 170–171, 172(F&T), 173
failure of a 52100 steel axle, 171, 173–175(F)
failure of a steam turbine rotor blade, 168–170(F&T),
categories of, 53
classifications, 165
definition, 165
noncarbide inclusions, 228–229(F)
stringer, 166, 280–281(F)
indigenous inclusions, 165
induction coils
materials for, 423–424(F)
multiple-turn induction coil, 424–425(F)
types of, 423
induction hardening
fatigue strength, 481–485(F&T)
fine grinding, 472–477(F)
induction heating, 420–422(F), 440–444(F),
induction surface heating. See induction surface heating
induction surface-hardened layer, 477–481(F&T)
machine parts, 422–432(F), 485–491(F&T)
magnetic flux concentrators, 437–440(F)
overview, 417–419
quenching systems for, 449–452(F)
steels, 419–420(F&T)
stresses/residual stresses, time variation of, 452–466(F)
surface hardening, 421–422, 466–472(F)
induction heating
coils for, 423(F)
definition, 398
features of, 420–422(F)
gear wheels, 429, 430(F), 431(F)
Jominy curves, 4150 steel, 492, 493(F)
machine parts, 440–444(F)
power supplies, 421
rotation velocities, 452
supervising, 456(F)
temperature cycles, 456–457(F), 458(F)
time-temperature dependence in, 444–449(F&T)
use of, 417
induction scanning, 426, 427(F)
induction surface hardening
advantages of, 421–422
gears, 491–497(F)
residual stresses, 472–477(F)
workpiece distortion in, 466–472(F)
induction surface heating, 430(F), 432–437(F), 442(F), 456,
457(F), 465(F), 471(F)
induction surface-hardened layer, 444, 477–481(F&T)
inhomogeneity, 462, 463(F), 479
Instron TT-DM machine, 242
intergranular brittle fracture
causes of, 59, 279. See also individual causes
creep process and, 128(F)
creep rupture, 76–77(F), 78(F)
hydrogen embrittlement, 59(F), 68–70(F), 71(F), 72(F),
liquid metal embrittlement, 66–67(F&T)
quench cracking, 59–65(F)
SAE 3161, 122(F)
solid metal embrittlement, 67–68(F&T), 69(F)
stress-corrosion cracking (SCC), 70, 72–76(F&T), 77(F)
temper embrittlement, 65–66(F)
TME and, 65(F), 295–296
intergranular cracking, 59, 63(F), 96(F), 100(F), 205–206(F),
interlath cleavage, 296
internal oxidation, 219–222(F)
internal porosity, 158–159(F)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 493
ion vapor-deposited (IVD), 362, 364(F), 365, 367(F), 369(F)
iron-carbon equilibrium diagram, 585(F)
isothermal diagrams
carbon steels, 588–592(F)
chromium steels, 597(F), 599(F)
chromium-molybdenum steels, 593–594(F)
nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels, 598(F)
nickel-molybdenum steels, 596(F)
Ni-Cr-Mo steels, 595(F)
isothermal-transformation diagrams. See time-temperature
transformation (TTT) diagrams
jig-bore grinding, 2(F), 20
“job shop” heat treater, 87
Jominy distance (J-distance), 270
lap, definition, 145–146, 277
lath martensite, 187, 188(F)
Index / 635
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Failure Analysis of Heat Treated Steel Component (#05113G)