Component Design
Mario Solari, CTI Consultores de Tecnologı´a e Ingenierı´a SRL
Pablo Bilmes, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
DESIGN involves different creative aspects:
planning, development, procedures, availability,
and fitness concerning the materials and pro-
cesses used to manufacture the component.
Design is an iterative process, often based on
experience, to provide an assessment of the
performance of a component for a certain period
of time of expected or intended service life. The
design process culminates in a technical speci-
fication for the part or system and suitable
manufacturing processes. Another obvious aim
of design is to prevent failures throughout the
component lifetime cycle and avoid situations
resulting in severe failure.
Heat treating achieves the desired changes in
structure and properties, and various types of
heat treatments may be employed to meet design
requirements for mechanical strength, corro-
sion, wear, and so on. Heat treatments include
stress relieving, austenitizing, normalizing,
annealing, quenching, and tempering (Ref 1).
Heat treating may also involve chemical or
additional physical processes. A systematic
procedure for minimizing risks involved in heat
treated steel components requires a combination
of metallurgical failure analysis and fitness for
service with respect to safety and reliability
based on risk analysis. The effects of steel heat
treatment may include (Ref 1):
Control of microstructure formation
Increase of strength, toughness, or perhaps
creep resistance
Relief of residual stresses and prevention of
Control of hardness (and softness)
Improvement of machinability
Improvement of corrosion resistance or wear
Introduction to Heat Treat Processing
Material behavior related to heat treatment
can be analyzed by developing models that
involve a complex interrelationship of variables
associated with the material, manufacturing
processes, and service conditions (Ref 2).
The ability of ferrous materials to develop
required properties through heat treatment is
a broad concept that refers both to the ease
with which a material may be heat treated
and the resulting in-service fitness of the com-
The iron allotropic transformation between
more densely packed face-centered cubic iron,
nonmagnetic gamma (c) phase designated as
austenite, and the less densely packed body-
centered cubic iron, alpha (a) phase designated
as ferrite, is the basis for heat treatment of steels.
Austenite can dissolve up to approximately
2.0 wt% C and in most steels is not stable at
low temperature. On the other hand, the inter-
stitial sites in ferrite are much smaller than in
austenite; therefore, ferrite can only dissolve
very small concentrations of carbon (0.025 wt%
maximum) and is relatively soft and stable at
room temperature.
The iron-carbon phase diagram shows the
compositional limits of the different transfor-
mational phases formed by a steel alloy that
exist during heating or cooling as a function
of temperature. In hypoeutectoid steels (those
with 50.80 wt% C), upon cooling two different
phases can exist, ferrite and austenite, each con-
taining different amounts of carbon. Upon fur-
ther cooling, the microstructure of these steels
exhibits ferrite grains in a pearlite island. Pearlite
is a metastable microstructure formed during
austenite decomposition. The pearlite structure
is an aggregate consisting of alternating lamellae
of ferrite and cementite that is formed on slow
cooling during the eutectoid reaction. Cementite
is a very hard and brittle compound of iron
and carbon (Fe
C). Depending on the thermal
history, cementite will appear as lamellae (with
ferrite), spheroids, or globules in a ferritic
Name ///sr-nova/Dclabs_wip/Failure_Analysis/5113_1-42.pdf/Chap_01/ 18/8/2008 2:47PM Plate # 0 pg 1
Failure Analysis of Heat Treated Steel Components
L.C.F. Canale, R.A. Mesquita, and G.E. Totten, editors, p 1-42
DOI: 10.1361/faht2008p001
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