(i.e., water, caustic quench), this criterion is
reduced to as low as 5 times the diameter. For
larger length-to-diameter ratios, consideration
should be given to fixture quenching or induc-
tion hardening.
The component design process can be
divided into two phases:
Phase 1, which corresponds to the basic
definition of the product (including concept
and detail design)
Phase 2, which corresponds to the design
review aiming to prevent failures and mini-
mize risks
Phase 1 deals with the basic definition of the
product. As a first step, the generic type of the
material as well as its geometric configuration
should be selected. The criterion applied to
avoid plastic deformation states that the cal-
culated effective stress must be lower than the
yield and design life creep-rupture stresses of
the material. If the product to be designed is an
element that must withstand not only tension
loads but also bending, torsional, and axial-
compressive loads, then the combined effect of
the applied load type, shape, and size and the
material properties should be analyzed. Design
for those elements subjected to axial compres-
sion should be intended to avoid not only
plastic collapse but also elastic instabilities.
Elastic instabilities may cause Euler buckling
and local buckling. The occurrence of this
failure mode depends on the geometry of the
elements and on the Young’s modulus of the
material. In general, the relationship between
the Young’s modulus (E) and the density (r),
E/r, should be maximized in order to increase
stiffness. By doing so, yield occurs before
buckling, whereas by increasing specific
strength (s
/r), strength also increases; hence,
buckling occurs before yield. During the basic
design step, brittle fracture should be avoided.
Brittle fracture is associated with very little or
no plastic deformation. A material may fail in a
catastrophic—brittle—manner under stresses
even lower than the allowable design stresses
used to avoid ductile failures. The material
property that controls brittle fracture strength is
toughness. Other factors that have an effect on
brittle fracture are material thickness; local
stress level, including nominal stresses, resi-
dual stresses, and stress-concentration factors;
temperature; and loading rate. Carbon and low-
alloy steels undergo a transition from ductile
failure mode to brittle failure mode at low
temperatures. If the material is heat treated
during fabrication, it will have adequate
toughness in its final condition. Design must be
reviewed in order to minimize the presence of
notches and defects that concentrate stresses.
When mechanical loads are an alternative,
there may be a risk of fatigue failures.
In fatigue failures, a crack grows in each
loading cycle until the remaining ligament fails
due to ductile or brittle fracture. This phe-
nomenon can occur at stress levels lower than
the allowable stresses for static loads. It should
be emphasized that fatigue failures strongly
depend on design and manufacturing quality,
which is accomplished by increasing fatigue
strength and minimizing stress concentrators.
Technical requirements should be complied
with at the lowest cost. A phase 1 basic design
detailed analysis is beyond the scope of this
Phase 2 design review has the purpose of
assuring that the basic design fulfills the
requirements and reviews the design to avoid
failures. This step verifies that the basic types of
failure modes have been properly controlled by
design and determines the types of damages
associated with each failure mode in order to
implement methods for detection.
Material behavior can be analyzed by
developing models that relate materials attri-
butes, required functions, and manufacturing
processes. Due to the large number of aspects
involved, the problem can be simplified by
considering blocks of knowledge that corre-
spond to specific mechanisms and functions.
Each block of knowledge represents a simplified
model that relates some properties to the
required functions, through the knowledge pro-
vided by materials science and engineering. The
use of state-of-the-art criteria, which, in some
cases, are based on practical experience, can
optimize the accomplishment of the analyzed
functions. The results of the analysis are syn-
thesized in the definition of design.
Consider two groups of behavior models.
The first group relates materials attributes—
generally known as properties—that are well
defined and individually determined. These
properties are component shape and size,
modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, ultimate
tensile strength, yield strength in tension, shear
strength, compressive strength, ductility, elon-
gation, fracture toughness, hardness, thermal
conductivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal
expansion, specific heat, density, fracture
30 / Failure Analysis of Heat Treated Steel Components
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