Martensitic stainless steels are normally
PWHTed between 600 and 800
C (1110 and
F), whereas ferritic steels are sometimes
heated between 730 and 800
C (1345 and
F), with rapid cooling in order to avoid
embrittlement. Treatments above 900
F) in these materials are usually intended
as homogenizing treatments in order to achieve
better properties after the tempering treatment
that follows. The mechanical properties are
usually improved after this double heat treat-
ment. Low-temperature stress relieving should
not be applied to the straight chromium stainless
steels, since it may markedly affect the ductility
and toughness. The phenomenon is known as
C (885
F) embrittlement, and it is due to
the coherent precipitation of chromium-rich
ferrite, known as alpha prime, within the mis-
cibility gap of the iron-chromium system. This
precipitation leads to a slow increase in hardness
accompanied by a corresponding loss of tough-
ness. The alpha-prime phase also decreases the
corrosion resistance. This type of structural
change can be reversed by an annealing treat-
ment at approximately 600
C (1110
F). In
17% Cr steels containing nickel and molybde-
num, the toughness is increased by tempering at
630 to 650
C (1165 to 1200
F), below the
temperature where austenite or ferrite is formed.
In straight 17% Cr steels, the precipitation of
sigma phase can occur between 550 and 800
(1020 and 1470
F), and it is accompanied by a
loss of ductility. The sigma phase is formed only
after a very long time and may be eliminated by
heat treating above 800
C (1470
Soft martensitic stainless steels have re-
sulted in an increasingly worldwide use in
petrochemical and chemical plants or industries,
gas turbine engines, turbine blades, compressors
and discs, and in a variety of aircraft structural
and engine applications (Ref 27). They have
high proof strength and high toughness even in
very low temperatures or thick cross sections
(Ref 28, 29). If the 12% Cr stainless steels are
used as high-strength structural steels, they must
be weldable, formable, and have good impact
toughness (Ref 30). Hence, in soft martensitic
stainless steels, the carbon content is kept below
mass 0.1% to improve weldability by promoting
a structure with fewer tendencies for cold
cracking, better corrosion resistance, and better
toughness. Because of the lower carbon, the
addition of 4 to 6% Ni (the most powerful
austenite former after carbon and nitrogen)
is required to avoid delta ferrite, which is
deleterious to impact toughness. For enhanced
corrosion, temper embrittlement, and tempering
resistance, 0.5 to 2% Mo is added, depending on
the intended use. In order to develop the max-
imum strength and toughness, the steel must be
mostly martensitic after cooling, with limited
delta ferrite. The martensite must be tempered to
obtain good toughness, ductility, and stress-
corrosion resistance. In the as-welded condition,
the microstructure consists of low-carbon mar-
tensite, some presence of delta ferrite, and
retained austenite in agreement with the nickel
content of the alloy. Postweld heat treatments
are necessary to satisfy the service mechanical
property requirements (Ref 31). If high impact
values are required, PWHTs such as solution
annealing plus tempering or double tempering
are necessary (Ref 32, 33). The aim of solution
annealing is the homogenization of the micro-
structure by dissolution of the delta ferrite,
which is a nonequilibrium solidification product.
The delta ferrite is harmful since it increases the
ductile-brittle transition temperature. On the
other hand, intercritical tempering at 600
F) or double tempering (hypercritical
plus intercritical) at 670+600
C (1240+
F) produces tempered martensite with
finely dispersed austenite that is stable and not
transformable during cooling (Ref 33). It is
known that this austenite, which can be observed
only by scanning electron microscopy, increases
toughness sharply, although it slightly reduces
the strength. It has been argued that when
retained austenite is present near a propagating
crack, the concentrated strain at the crack tip
induces transformation into martensite. This
mechanically induced transformation would
absorb energy and thus increase the toughness.
The associated volumetric expansion of the
martensitic transformation would tend to close
the crack and relieve stresses at its tip. The
latter mechanism absorbs strain energy during
fracture and therefore limits crack extension
(Ref 34).
In many codes for austenitic chromium-
nickel stainless steels with low ferrite content
and fully austenitic alloys, no PWHT is pre-
scribed. In the case of austenitic chromium-
nickel steels, low-temperature treatment (400 to
C, or 750 to 975
F) will help to achieve
dimensional stability of the construction by
reducing peak stresses, although this treatment is
not frequently used. Treatment in the tempera-
ture range from 550 to 1170
C (1020 to
F) is a true stress-relieving treatment. The
38 / Failure Analysis of Heat Treated Steel Components
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