phase transformations, 255–263(F&T)
CCT diagrams, 255–257(F)
distortion mechanism, 261
metallurgical crystal structure, 257(F), 258(F)
residual stresses, relief of, 263(F)
TTT diagrams, 255, 256(F)
volume changes during, 261–263(F)
volumetric change upon quenching, 257–261(F&T),
phosphorus, 55, 65, 115, 295–296, 297–298
phosphorus segregation, 185, 295–296, 297–298
pinholes, 154, 155–156(F), 404–405(F), 406(F)
pitting, definition, 113–114
pitting corrosion, 232–233(F)
plastic blunting process, 78, 80
plastic deformation
avoiding, 8, 30
brittle fracture and, 34, 53, 54(F), 120
buckling and, 128
creep and, 128
ductile fracture and, 51, 96, 120
formation of, 7, 52, 286–287, 331, 446
fracture surface matching, 118
shot peening and, 199(F)
plastic mold steels, 313(F)
plate martensite, 187, 188(F)
polishing, 51, 113, 313(F), 390(F), 482
blowholes, treating, 156
casting component feeding, 159
effects due to, 154–162(F), 163(F)
gas, 154–156(F)
internal, from nucleation, 158–159
internal, from the surface, 158, 159(F)
pinholes, treating, 156
shrinkage pores, 156–158(F)
postweld heat treatment (PWHT), 37
powder metal steel components
case hardening
carbonitriding, 397–398(F)
carburizing, 397
induction hardening, 398(T)
steam treatment, 398–399(F)
definition, 395, 396(F)
failure analysis techniques, 399–401(F&T)
CE matrix, 400–401, 402–403(F)
failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), 399
process maps, 400, 401(T)
steps, 400(F)
tools, 400(F)
powder metallurgy process, 395–396, 397(F)
powder metal steel failures, case studies
blistered sintered products, 405–406
cracks after induction hardening, 409–410(F)
cracks after quenching, 410–411(F)
dimensional change in carbonitriding, 411, 412(F)
dimensional change in steam treatment, 414(F),
dimensional instability during shrink fitting, 406–407
fracture of steam-treated part, 407–408(F)
low breaking load after carbonitriding, 413–414(F)
low core hardness after steam treatment, 415
low surface hardness after carbonitriding, 411–412(F)
oxidation after sintering, 408–409(F)
pinholes after sintering, 404–405(F), 406(F)
variation in bore diameter after heat treatment,
wear after sinter hardening, 401, 403–404(F)
wear after sintering, 407(F), 408(F)
powder metallurgy process
blending, 396
compaction, 396
powder production, 395–396
sintering, 397
progressive hardening, 420, 426, 427(F), 446, 455, 469,
496. See also gap-by-gap hardening
“puzzle piece” carbide, 108(F)
quench cracking, 59–65(F)
definition, 59–60
intergranular fracture, 96
localized overheating, 62
martempering, 60
mitigation of, 60
stress raisers role in, 272–273
quench cracking, case studies
as-quenched 4340 steel, 273–274(F)
cracking of 4140 block forging after quenching and
tempering, 274–275(F&T)
decarburization and oxidized grain boundary,
network carbides and coarse grain size, 278–280(F)
presence of a seam defect, 276(F)
presence of chemical segregation, 278, 279(F)
presence of slag inclusions and a lap
defect, 276–278(F&T)
presence of stringer inclusions and chemical
segregation, 280–281(F&T)
use of improper steel alloy and presence of voids in a steel
brazed joint, 275–276(F&T)
quench nonuniformity, 189
carbonitrided components, 191
carburized components, 185, 187–191
component design, 263–265(F), 266(F&T)
contamination, 190
dry die quenching, 18
failures due to, 255–284(F&T)
immersion quenching, 451
induction hardening, 449–452(F)
martempering, 17–18
phase transformations, 255–263(F&T)
press quenching, 18
quench nonuniformity, 189
quenchant nonuniformity, 271–272(F)
quenchant selection, 270–271(T)
retained austenite, 191–196(F&T)
Index / 637
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Failure Analysis of Heat Treated Steel Component (#05113G)