traverses, residual-stress distributions, and
distributions of element concentrations, for
example, carbon and nitrogen
Based on a description of the material
through the theory of elasticity and solving
constitutive equations by numerical methods
Surface layer design for the criterion of fati-
gue failure is based on a comparison of the local
fatigue resistance with local stresses occurring at
critical locations in the investigated component.
Contemporary machines and designs should
be characterized by required life and reliability,
featuring a sufficient life between overhauls,
depending on the type of service, while at the
same time fulfilling the requirements for ecol-
ogy and ergonomics. Such parameters should
be attained concurrently with a reduction of
material and energy consumption during manu-
facture and service. This task may be achieved
only when modern computational methods are
implemented along with modern technology and
proper service conditions at each stage of the
product life, that is, study phase, design, manu-
facture, service, and recycling.
The implemented computational methods
enable the design of products according to
strength criteria, somewhat less often according
to tribological criteria, and least often pertaining
to corrosion.
Contemporary machine components and
assemblies are subjected in service to the joint
interaction of strength, tribological, and corro-
sion hazards. On the other hand, the implemented
computational methods enable the design of
products with one selected mode of failure.
In the construction of machine components,
there are many parts (crankshafts, threaded
joints, springs) that are concurrently exposed to
different types of failure hazards during service:
mechanical, tribological, or corrosive. Similar
elements of construction (bridges, masts, cables,
earth-moving and mining machines) are ex-
posed to concurrent hazards of fatigue-type
stresses and corrosion.
Classical strength or tribological calculations
do not take into account the factor of time.
During service, due to the processes of fatigue,
tribological, or corrosive deterioration, there
occurs a change in the properties of the system
being evaluated. Tribological and corrosive
processes cause a change in the geometry and
surface condition of the component. This, in turn,
causes a change in the state of stresses in working
systems, affecting their life and reliability.
Therefore, the development of failure criteria,
taking into account the joint effect of an accu-
mulation of damage due to the working of
alternating loads, wear by friction, and the action
of corrosion, is a very important task, because
the determination of the criteria for failure will
enable proper selection of surface layers for the
given service condition.
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