Index 1057
spark plasma sintering (SPS) 681, 682
spectroscopic ellipsometry 983–4, 985
spherical model 360
spin coating 728–9
characterisation of spin-coated thick
films 729–33
spindle-like domains 199, 200
spontaneous backswitching (flip-back)
624, 625, 626, 640, 641, 644
spontaneous nucleation 187, 188
spontaneous polarisation 424
BiT single crystals 1008–9
perovskite structure and texture
formation 799–801
spreading (sideways domain growth) 624,
625, 626, 633
sputtering systems 977–80, 994–5
SRO 710
stack actuators 87
for deformable mirrors 88–90
stacking faults 703–4, 705
static polar nanoregions (SPNRs) 438
step generation and growth 632, 633,
636–8, 639
STO substrates 601, 605, 606, 607–8
niobium-doped 987–8
stochastic nucleation 636
stoichiometric DSLs 940–1
stoichiometric LN (SLN) 627–8
stoichiometric LT (SLT) 627–8
stoichiometric melt 4–6
see also Bridgman growth
stored energy 477–8
compressive see compressive strain
effects on ferroelectric thin films
fully strained films 779–81
lead titanate under tensile strain
strain relaxation and domain
formation 783
piezoelectric property enhancement
and texture 800–1
PMN–PT solid solution and grain size
remnant strain 380–1
tensile see tensile strain
unipolar 85–7
strain-electric field relation 184, 185,
198, 465–6, 477
strain gradients 765–6
stress-strain curve 477
BTO/STO superlattices 995–6
energy analysis of field-induced phase
transitions 366–88
inducement of piezoelectric property
enhancement 322–6, 327
polarisation rotation 312
uniaxial stress field 294–8, 299, 300
stripe domains
BTO ultra-thin films 577–80
evolution under electric field
fully strained films 781
under tensile strain 781–2
nanodots and nanowires 595–7
PZT ultra-thin films 574–7
evolution under electric field 581–6
single crystal films of barium titanate
strontium acetate 866, 868
strontium bismuth tantalate see SBT
strontium-potassium niobate oxide
system 914
strontium titanate (STO)
BTO/STO artificial superlattices see
BTO/STO artificial
SZO/STO artificial superlattices see
SZO/STO artificial superlattices
structural distortion 1008–9
sum frequency generation (SFG) 933,
superdomes 604–5
superlattices 559, 764, 765, 934, 971
dielectric see dielectric superlattices
perovskite see perovskite artificial
surface structure 757, 758
switching see polarisation reversal
and ferroelectric thin films 756, 767–76
low-symmetry ferroelectric phases
piezoelectricity and phase
coexistence 767–70