Crystal structure and defect control 1027
33.8 Effects of La and Nd substitutions on the
electronic band structure and chemical
The electronic structure of BNT (x = 2.0) was calculated for both the paraelectric
I4/mmm and the ferroelectric B2cb structures. The calculated band structure
of BNT (x = 2.0) near E
is almost the same as that of BiT (see Fig. 33.5a).
The calculation for the paraelectric BNT (x = 2.0) shows that the fundamental
is indirect (valence band maximum at P and conduction band minimum
at Γ), which is consistent with the result in the reported calculations [34]. In
contrast, our calculations suggest that the ferroelectric BNT (x = 2.0) has a
direct band gap, with the valence band maximum and conduction band
minimum lying at Brillouin-zone center Γ. Our calculation suggests that
BNT (x = 2.0) gives a narrower E
of 2.4eV compared with BiT (E
= 2.6eV), which is in good agreement with the results of the optical
measurements [35].
Figure 33.6(c) shows the total DOS between –25 and 7.5eV of BNT (x =
2.0) with B2cb ferroelectric structure. In this calculations, Nd is assumed to
occupy at the A site in the perovskite layers. The valence band consists
mainly of the O 2p states, while the Ti3d states form the conduction band.
The width of the valence band was approximately 5.5eV. Two kinds of Bi
for BiT result in two localized states of Bi 6s band near –10 eV, whereas
BNT has one peak of the Bi 6s band attributed to the Bi in the Bi
BiT and BNT indicate a similar low-lying O 2s band (–19 to –16eV), and the
broad Nd 5d states overlap with the O 2p band for BNT.
Figure 33.7(c) presents the PDOS of BNT (x = 2.0) with B2cb ferroelectric
structure. For both BiT and BNT, the Bi
layers show similar electronic
character, and the Bi2 and O2 in the Bi
layers do not have DOS near the
Fermi energy (E
). Thus, the perovskite layers play an essential role in the
electronic structure near the band gap, and E
is determined by the orbital
interaction in the perovskite layers. As in the case for BiT (see Fig. 33.7b),
the electronic structure of BNT shows that the valence band maximum mainly
consists of the O 2p orbitals. The conduction band minimum is composed of
the empty 3d orbitals of Ti in the perovskite layers. There is a strong
hybridization with Ti and Bi. This behavior reflects the strong hybridization
of the Ti3d and O2p orbitals in the perovskite layers, as is common for ABO
perovskites [51].
Interestingly, the Bi1 at the perovskite A site has a key role in the electronic
structure of the valence band for BiT. The antibonding orbitals are composed
of the 6s of the Bi1 and the 2p of the adjacent oxide ions form and constitute
the large DOS just below the E
. Furthermore, the orbital hybridization with
O2p leads to considerable DOS of the Bi1 6p states in the valence band. This
behavior is unexpected in a simplified ionic picture, but has been demonstrated