21 Nano- and micro-domain engineering in normal and
relaxor ferroelectrics 622
V Y SHUR, Ural State University, Russia
21.1 Introduction 622
21.2 Main experimental stages of domain structure evolution
during polarization reversal in normal ferroelectrics 624
21.3 Materials and experimental conditions 627
21.4 General consideration 631
21.5 Domain growth: from quasi-equilibrium to highly non-
equilibrium 638
21.6 Self-assembled nanoscale domain structures 645
21.7 Modern tricks in nanoscale domain engineering 649
21.8 Polarization reversal in relaxors 657
21.9 Conclusions and future trends 663
21.10 Acknowledgments 664
21.11 References 664
22 Interface control in 3D ferroelectric nano-composites 670
C ELISSALDE and M MAGLIONE, University of Bordeaux1, France
22.1 Introduction 670
22.2 Interface defects and dielectric properties of bulk
ferroelectric materials 671
22.3 Interdiffusion in bulk ceramics and composites 674
22.4 Summary and future trends 686
22.5 References 687
Part VI Piezo- and ferroelectric films 693
23 Single crystalline PZT films and the impact of extended
structural defects on the ferroelectric properties 695
I VREJOIU, D HESSE, and M ALEXE, Max Planck Institute of
Microstructure Physics, Germany
23.1 Introduction 695
23.2 Pulsed laser deposition of epitaxial ferroelectric oxide
thin films 696
23.3 Epitaxial ferroelectric oxide thin films and nanostructures
with extended structural defects 697
23.4 Single crystalline PbTiO
and PZT 20/80 films free from
extended structural defects 709
23.5 Comparison of ferroelectric properties of PZT 20/80 films
with and without extended structural defects 714
Contents xiii