Bridgman growth and properties 15
properties vary from the normal state. It is difficult to observe the detailed
domain structure using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) because
domain changes during sample preparation. Another one is the line defect,
dislocations that were observed on (111), (211) and (001) faces by chemical
So far, there have been few reports on the influence of dislocation
density and dislocation orientations on piezoelectric properties.
Both defects mentioned above impact piezoelectric properties that
depend on the domain structure. It is almost certain that these types of defect
play a role as domain wall pinning centers to modulate or to control the
domain structure. Thus, physical properties would vary from the normal
1.4 Property characterization
For a PMN–PT crystal grown from stoichiometric melt, PT content increases
along the length of the crystal due to compositional segregation. Since properties
of PMN–PT crystals are closely related to the composition
, variations in
piezoelectric properties are expected along the growth direction
. This section
reports on the systematic characterization of property variations, and their
interrelationships for a whole PMN–31%PT crystal boule grown by a normal
Bridgman method
1.4.1 Specimen preparation
To characterize property variations along the growth direction of PMN–PT
crystals, two types of specimen were prepared (Fig. 1.8). (i) Crystal plates of
7 × 7 × 0.7 mm
(17 pieces) and (ii) crystal bars of 7 × 0.7 × 0.7 mm
pieces) were sectioned from one crystal boule. All of the six faces of the plates
and bars were oriented within 0.5° of the {001} planes. To ensure relative
compositional homogeneity within a specimen, the large faces of the crystal
plates, and the length direction of the crystal bars, were chosen to be normal
to the growth direction <001>. In addition, so as to minimize compositional
differences between plates and bars, each plate had a corresponding bar
sectioned from the same location within the wafer (Fig. 1.8).
1.4.2 Poling
Crystal specimen surfaces were ultrasonically cleaned before deposition of
gold electrodes by sputtering (Hummer 8 Coater, Anatech). Plates were poled
in the thickness direction (<001>), and bars along their length (<100>). The
poling field was ~5kV/cm, and the poling current was monitored to
completeness at room temperature. All of the properties were determined at
room temperature 24h after poling.