Index 1041
domain evolution in ferroelectric
nanostructures 580–91
BTO ultra-thin films 586–91
PZT ultra-thin films 581–6
effects on MPB phases 429–30
effects on properties of piezoelectric
crystals 130–2, 133, 134
dielectric behaviour 84–5, 86
piezoelectric behaviour 85–7,
130–1, 133
energy analysis of field-induced phase
transitions 366–88
inducement of domain structures and
phase transitions in PMN-PT
single crystals 333–65
inducement of piezoelectric property
enhancement 322–6, 327
local field and nano- and micro-
domain engineering 633, 635,
polarisation rotation 307–12
electric field poling see field poling
electrically erasable read-only memories
(EEPROMs) 541, 561
electrocaloric cooling 555–7
bottom electrode of pMUT 738–9
interface with ferroelectric
nanostructures 557–8
patterning electrodes 290–4, 300
perovskite artificial superlattices
electromagnetic bandgap structures
(EBGs) 530–1
electromagnetic (EM) field analysis
electromechanical coupling factors 110,
244–5, 246, 248, 480–1
barium titanate crystals with
engineered domain
configurations 275–7
bismuth-based perovskite single
crystals 143–5
BLSF 837–8
BITN and BITV 844, 845, 847
orientation effect 260, 262
PIMNT ceramics 209, 212, 213
Bridgman-grown crystals 219, 220,
221, 223, 224
PMN–PT crystals 17, 18–21, 22, 130,
131, 132, 133
complete set material properties
252, 253, 254–6, 258, 259
pMUT 749, 750
PSN–PT crystal 198
PYNT single crystal 139–41, 142
PZN–PT single crystals 249–54, 256,
SSCG single crystals 165, 167, 168,
electron beam writing 935, 939
electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) gun
electron emission 554–5
electron probe microanalyser (EPMA)
electronic band structure, BiT 1011–15
ab initio calculations 1015–17
effects of rare earth substitution
electronic lone pair 397–9
electro-optic effect 631, 957–60
electrophoretic deposition 753
electrostatic domain-domain interaction
ellipsometry 983–4, 985
end-effect 13, 14
energy analysis of phase transitions
energy-based modelling 373–4
equations of energy equilibrium 374–5
future trends 382–3
irreversible work and hysteresis loss
work-energy analysis 376–8, 379, 380
see also effective Hamiltonian
approach; free energy
engineered domain configuration 266–
303, 770, 801
crystal structure and crystallographic
orientation dependence 269–77
piezoelectric properties under high
electric field 272–5
piezoelectric properties under low
ac electric field 275–7
domain size dependence 278–86
on electric field and temperature